Hey everyone, let me be the first to welcome you to Padinga!

A couple weeks ago I was playing games with CptCluster and he asked me, “Why don’t you do that radio show anymore?”  It made me think about it in a whole different light.  I responded, “You know, I should really do that again.”  The drive home that night began a flurry of thought about exactly how to relaunch the show.  My time is still really limited, but you make time to do the things you really love.  I started talking to the old crew, and I got good responses from them as well.

Thinking about it, I decided that my old site was really something that I was proud of, but something that I felt that I was ready to retire.  We had a great run, but ultimately I feel like it is good to start over with a new name.  I always had a problem with the site being named after myself, but it had started out as just my site and then just grown.  We had developed such a large following that I really didn’t want to lose that, but after this long hiatus, it was either now or never.

Why Padinga?  Padinga is a word I made up sometime around 6th grade as a word to respond to questions I didn’t want to answer.  “Why did you break that?”  “Padinga.”  Puh-ding-guh basically means whatever the hell you want it to, but I hope it becomes synonymous with a place gamers can hang and be entertained.

We’re launching Padinga.com with the bare essentials of what I want to do.  My beloved Game Show will return right away, and written articles will come as well.  I’ve always wanted the site to be a community, and I hope that some of the new features we’ve added helps that.  There’s also a lot of annoyances gone, like you only have to register once and it carries over to the forums and the main site.  This was something that wasn’t really possible with the old site due to the size of the database and many other things.  We’ll continue to add things as we go, and eventually it will become what I have planned.  I’ve got big plans for this place, and I hope you all will ride with me to the end.  So welcome old faces, and a few new ones as well!

BreakmanX (AKA Matthew Nyquist) founded BreakmanX.com in 2001 after having small video game websites since around 1996. Things really took off in September of 2002 when he started The Game Show with Richie. BreakmanX.com quickly developed a tight knit community of gamers as the crew covered major industry events and interviewed top industry talent. Break later went to the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts to get his MFA in Film and TV Production. He worked in Hollywood for seven years with people like Fred Roos (The Godfather Trilogy, Star Wars) and Dane Davis (The Matrix). He's now gone full circle and returned to Kansas to write and direct a feature film (EyesOpenMovie.com), relaunch The Game Show (BreakmanX.com), and spend his day time hours as an tenured Associate Professor.

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