Max Payne, Max Payne wherefore art thou, Max Payne?

Wow, that’s a title that’s been lost in developmental Hell for a while now, right? I mean, its no Duke Nukem, but its we’re balls deep into this generation with nary a whisper of Max. But, why the buzz for this franchise, still? I mean, I loved the first game. Loved it. And then it spawned a bazillion cheap knock-offs and a lame, lame sequel. For me, the franchise is 50/50… or if you count the shit movie with Mark Wahlberg, its 1 outta 3. Not a sure thing.

And yet, when this thing hit the ‘net, it made headlines…

I’ve already seen a couple of websites use the phrase “return to form” with these screenshots, seemingly based on the fact that Max is wearing his coat and tie from part 1 again. Um… yeah, he’s got a coat and a gun, I’ll give you that. Says nothing of gameplay though, so lets not take that gun and jump it, okay guys?

But, that said, I don’t see anything wrong with the design either, so there’s a start, at least. No obvious failures in the showcased .02% of the game represented here. Kudos.

The question remains, can the franchise show evolution into the next generation, LATE next-gen for that matter, and still capture the fun of the original title? Well, that’s the challenge for every franchise, really, yearning to stay familiar, yet fresh, amid so many new gaming options.

No release date set yet for Max Payne 3, but of course, we’ll let you know when that changes.

This will be from that one level where Max is disguised as a black dude with stiff animation.


Dustin Hall is a megalomaniac from the small town of Baldwin in Kansas, now wandering the deserts of Las Vegas in search of new victims. He was probably conceived at a Van Halen concert and raised on a diet of sci-fi and horror movies, fed to him from a disturbingly young age by his uncle. A gamer from a young age, Dustin's brain was shaped by the soft bleeps and bloops of the Atari 2600 and NES. He worked for 10 years as the manager of a game shop, and has owned and played nearly every system known to man. Somehow, this all led to careers in writing and solar engineering. He is also one of the owners of Troll Skull Games.

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