That was just to scare off all the conservative Christians. 

That being out of the way, I can bitch and moan about yet another case of teens blaming Grand Theft Auto for their crimes.  Just like that case of highway violence in which two kids went driving around blasting passing cars, a gang of 12-14 year olds went around on a graffiti blitz, then blamed it on GTA.  Among other things, the gang of five tagged a synagogue, an art museum, and a Christian thrift store.  I have no faith in humanity, so it wouldn't surprise me in the least if these kids actually got off the hook.

Since this is a gaming website, that just so happens to be based on the web, I'm going to assume that, during your travels on the web, you've at least heard of…

Furthermore, I'm going to assume that you've been there once or twice, or, more likely, at least a few of you are frequenters.  That assumed, I thought I'd point you in the direction of a Slashdot article that details the sequel to Suprnova, Exeem.  For reasons I couldn't possibly fathom, the MPAA doesn't like Bit Torrent, and took it upon themselves to shut Suprnova down.  It kinda sounds like another Kazaa, to me.  But if having it means I can get my Top Gear and 5th Gear episodes again, then sign me the fuck up.

BreakmanX (AKA Matthew Nyquist) founded in 2001 after having small video game websites since around 1996. Things really took off in September of 2002 when he started The Game Show with Richie. quickly developed a tight knit community of gamers as the crew covered major industry events and interviewed top industry talent. Break later went to the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts to get his MFA in Film and TV Production. He worked in Hollywood for seven years with people like Fred Roos (The Godfather Trilogy, Star Wars) and Dane Davis (The Matrix). He's now gone full circle and returned to Kansas to write and direct a feature film (, relaunch The Game Show (, and spend his day time hours as an tenured Associate Professor.

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