EA treated me to some time with “Crysis 3,” and it’s pretty much what you think it is. I don’t mean that as an insult, but I don’t exactly mean it as a compliment either. Whereas “Crysis 2” blew the original out of the water with better graphics and gameplay refinements, the jump from 2 to 3 feels more incremental. I’m still gonna play it to death when it comes out, and I suggest you do the same, but it’s my job to be honest here, so that’s what I’m doing.

You’re wondering about the bow, aren’t you? I can see it in your eyes. Well rest easy, the bow is amazing. When I first saw it I assumed it was just a gimmick, but after playing the game I realized Crytek included it in order to solve a very specific problem: stealth from a distance. In “Crysis 2,” active camo is automatically disengaged by firing a weapon, which severely limits your tactical sneaking activities. C3’s bow offers you a way to take down targets without compromising your location, and this opens up the gameplay in a very agreeable way.

The gameplay is gorgeous, but it’s the same speed of gorgeous “Crysis 2” was, or maybe slightly better. I’m a little disappointed we’re back in New York City again. Crytek tried to argue that the “taken back by nature” vibe restored the locale’s originality, but from my playtime everything felt the same. Again, I admired “Crysis 2” switching it up from the original, and I wish they’d kept up with that.

This sounds kind of negative, I know, but I did enjoy “Crysis 3” quite a bit. The bow is really great, and I’m eager to log more hours in one of my favorite modern shooter franchises. I guess I just had my heart set on something a little more adventurous.


from the inside


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