In an announcement which should be a suprise to nobody, EA has stated that it's interested in buy more of Ubisoft, and is even interested in taking a place on their board of directors.  "Not hostile" my ass.  I, however, am still wondering why the government hasn't brought anti-trust charges against EA.  If that happened, then EA might not have the cash to dig itself further into Ubisoft.  Meh, just fantasizing.

And speaking of things that you probably saw coming, here's another.  It seems that Capcom is having trouble porting Resident Evil 4 to the PS2, due to hardware limitations.  All the Gamecube fanboys who blew their gaskets over the news that their "Only for Gamecube" title would be ported are probably laughing and pointing now.  The way I read it, Gamecube uses 24-bit textures on RE4, but the PS2 will be limited to 8 or 4-bit.  That seems really, really extreme to me, but it wouldn't suprise me to see a graphical hit of some sort for the PS2 port.

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