More pics on Break’s moblog.

Yep, we made it, and have successfully set up camp at the Best Western in scenic Santa Monica.  It’ll be a few days before E3 comes around, but we plan to make the best of the free time.  In the mean time, here is our day, in pictures.

We start Friday night, at Mr. ManneX’s crib, with Break, Mark (Break’s bro) and I sorting out plans and equipment. The man himself, representin’ the Tool nation.

On with the pix…


On the way to Kansas City International…


The terminal…


All going well, so far…the BreakmanX crew always
forgets to pack some critical item.  Last year, it was the E3 press
badges.  This year, it was the two Vaio laptops we need to do video
editing; we realize this about 20 minutes before we board the plane.
Oh – fucking – snap.  Break promptly gets on the horn with Weezer,
hoping he can bring them when he flies out tomorrow.


In flight, we are served what are possibly the best God damn cookies, ever.
No, seriously, these go above and beyond the call of airline food.  Not
only are they filling – airline food usually isn’t – but they’re baked
in flight, served to you straight out of the oven, the chocolate chips
still slightly melted.  Only way it gets better is with milk and a
blowjob from the stewardess.


Baggage pick-up, and hell-o L.A.!


A visit to Hertz yields one Hyundai and directions to our Santa Monica hotel.  Off we go…


On the 110 towards the coast, Break at the helm.


In Santa Monica, almost there…


We’re here!  If you’ve ever seen a movie filmed in L.A., you’ve probably seen this stretch of road at least once.


Our hotel balcony, overlooking – that’s right – the Pacific.  And yes, our hotel is expensive.  Great view, though.


the street, an overpass, and a parking lot, and we’re at the beach.
Anyone who’s seen Falling Down will recognize ‘the pier’.



Look at this ugly fuck…


And…I’m out.  Tune in tomorrow at seven, motherfuckers!


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