As we all know, E3 was officially over just one week ago. We got very big news from Nintendo and Sony, and Xbox360 owners needn’t to fret, they will soon be able to get their hands on the highly coveted future release of "Halo 3". Nintendo gave us big news on new games to come out for the Wii, and although everyone is excited, where the hell is the price point? Sure they say it will be cheaper than the two other consoles, but just how cheap? I’m guessing around $200 if they tend to keep the same trend they have been using. How much is innovation worth? Nintendo will decide that, and we should see a price point in the coming months.
The Show is tomorrow at 7 this week, not today. Have a great Sunday!
Sony shed knew light on the PS3 letting everyone know of new games that will be headed our way, and gave us a price point. It isn’t the nicest of the other two, but I think that the PS3 will still sell, and will sell quite well. I know I will be getting one, but not before I get my hands on a Wii. More updates are on the way that include Video and Images, so sight tight, you shall be seeing some of this stuff soon.
I have a pretty packed weekend as it is, a certain Project is going down tomorrow, I’m keeping it secret for a few different reasons, but if it goes well, I’ll make sure to let it be known on the forums. Sunday is a very very big day for me, as you know our friend and creater of, Matthew Nyquist saw Tool last week, and know its my turn. This will be my first time, as was his, it shall be a night to remeber. With that I leave you until next friday, Make sure you tune into the Game Show at its new time for this week on Monday the 22nd at 7 PM central time. I’ll see you in chat.