



It’s that time again! It’s the mooooost wonderful tiiiiime…. of the yeeeeeear!

*AHEM* Sorry about that. But seriously. Look upon the rest of the post after the break and rejoice, for there is much new gaming to be had. There shall also be wailing and gnashing of teeth, but it shall only emanate henceforth from our collective wallets. And from the poor soul whose grandmother gives him Petz Puppiez and Kittenz for Christmas.

What we have posted here is a calendar showing you all of the major releases and/or releases of relevant interest for the rest of the year. This way you’ll be able to see all of the releases in perspective, and realize just how fucked your wallet is. We will leave the calendar up, and will continue to update it as new dates come in. Keep in mind that every date here is subject to change, either because the company changes it, or because quite a few of these are “best guesses”.

NOTE: We are currently missing platform data for the multiplatform titles. This will be added by tomorrow.

Console-exclusives (or releases for a specific system that happen on a different day all by themselves) are color-coded to the console. Multiplatform releases are in turquoise. (Yeah, why not turquoise?!)



  1. blank

    Got a lot of good stuff on sale this quarter, stranger.

    Ahhhhh… I’ll buy Arkham City and Skyrim at a high price!

    I doubt it would take a facehugger to coerce me into buying Aliens: Colonial Marines .  

    Maybe throw in Battlefield 3 too (if I want a divorce, especially with Diablo 3 on the horizon).  

    Saw a trailer for Dark Souls and it looks fantastic…would look ever better in my collection.  From Software has come a loooooooooooong way since King’s Field.

    Might get GoW 3 if some of yous guys are as fun to play with as you seem to claim.

    Granted I buy it all at retail…that’s roughly $250-$300.  And I thought video games were turning to shit!

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