Now THAT'S customized.

Time is running out to submit your entry!

Do you ever get frustrated at the E3 coverage offered by gaming sites? Sure, there’s a lot to cover, but they never quite seem to answer the burning questions YOU have, do they? It’s just around the corner, running June 7-9 (with the Big 3 holding conferences beforehand), so what’s a gamer to do?

Well, that era of blind hope is no more, my friends. is offering what none of the big sites could offer you: the chance to have your personal questions answered, to have the interviews with the industry insiders you want interviewed. All you have to do is ask, and ye shall receive.

Of course, there are caveats. We can’t guarantee we’ll be able to land any interview, and we certainly won’t ask someone like Tomonobu Itagaki if, say, he’s ever slept with more than one woman at a time. (And we’re guessing he has.) And should this program take off into astronomical numbers the likes of which even our team of dedicated Padingists could not predict, we may have to cut off further requests. But our word is our vow: if we can, we will.

Now to the juicy details: If you have a request for a game you’d like covered, a question you’d like answered, or an interview you’d like interviewed, all you have to do is sign up to become a member of our site. You can then post your request in the comments section of this article!

Well, what are you waiting for? Sure, you can’t be at the most exclusive gaming show on the planet, but how’s about the next best thing?


  1. blank

    Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve Valve. And DICE. And Valve.

    I’m sure you guys are already going to attend whatever events they have, but it bears repeating.

  2. blank

    I’m pretty sure one of you guys is going to be covering Mass Effect 3 regardless, but I’ll mention that for S&Gs.

    Also, any news on The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim would be greatly appreciated. If there’s anything for that, please keep an ear out for a key phrase along the lines of “levelling system that doesn’t suck ass”.

    And then there’s Diablo 3… I have a feeling there won’t be much of worth noting about that at E3 as I would imagine Blizzard will be saving that for BlizzCon.

    Don’t forget your corndogs!

  3. blank

    And you know, now that I think about it, an even better idea than all of you people just toasting corndogs would be to ramp up the difficulty and hilarity.

    “Booth babes with corndogs”.

    That’s along the lines of what started the whole corndog craze anyway. Something tells me the Padingan women, if willing, would definitely have more interesting outcomes.

    Just an idea if anyone’s got time to kill during lulls between awesome demos and such (and if it won’t get anyone kicked out).

  4. blank

    Find Bethesda or A2M and shake them down for news on WET 2(shut up- a guy can dream).

    Squeeze details out of Ubisoft on the Ghost Recon: FS Beta.

    AAnd give me ANYTHING on Assassin’s Creed: Lost Legacy.

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