We're going to do a show in two weeks or so.  I'm trying to round the old crew together to sit around and talk into microphones, so as soon as they return to town (everyone looks like they will be back in two weeks) we will broadcast, LIVE, into your computer.  Get your headphones ready, because this will be a show you do NOT want to miss.  I can't tell you why, just know that if you like the show, this will be one you don't want to miss.

I pre-ordered some of Nintendo's first party line up for the following year, and as I was walking around the store I was wondering if games have shifted completely to being for the mainstream or if they were still for gamers.  It made me think back to last gen, and the gen before it, and I came to the conclusion that the amount of "gamer" games has stayed pretty much the same, but the amount of mainstream games have grown.  There's still your hardcore games that are amazing, its just that there are so many more of the Madden's, games where you play as a floating gun shooting things over and over, Super Bass Fishing Hunting Explosion, and other classy titles.  Gamers still wait for the Metal Gear's, the Zelda's, the RPG's, and the Ikaruga's.  It's just that these games aren't increasing in quantity while the other games are.

Part of this might be because it takes more time to create a "hardcore" game than it does to create Super Buck Fucker.  Gamers are picky.  We don't like the same thing over and over again.  We want change.  We want quality..  We want gameplay.  The truly classic games are few and far between, and that is what we crave.  I went from being discouraged to just being able to see the evolution of gaming for what it is.  Gaming isn't kicking anyone out, its just trying catering to a whole new audience.  Its the same with movies; sure there are a lot of bad movies, but there are a few really great ones.  It comes with the territory of being a mass form of entertainment.  

The only thing its really ruined for me is FPS games.  Just about every game coming out has you shooting someone or something from the first person perspective.  The genre's gotten so watered down that its hard for me to find a truly great game through all the testosterone and blood.  I'm really looking forward to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and I'll probably play Halo3, but besides that the FPS genre is pretty much dead to me.  I'll continue this on the show…  see you then.  Time and date to come.


BreakmanX (AKA Matthew Nyquist) founded BreakmanX.com in 2001 after having small video game websites since around 1996. Things really took off in September of 2002 when he started The Game Show with Richie. BreakmanX.com quickly developed a tight knit community of gamers as the crew covered major industry events and interviewed top industry talent. Break later went to the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts to get his MFA in Film and TV Production. He worked in Hollywood for seven years with people like Fred Roos (The Godfather Trilogy, Star Wars) and Dane Davis (The Matrix). He's now gone full circle and returned to Kansas to write and direct a feature film (EyesOpenMovie.com), relaunch The Game Show (BreakmanX.com), and spend his day time hours as an tenured Associate Professor.

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