In preparation for the release of the latest Metal Gear game, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, the Padinga staff share their favorite memories and moments of the Metal Gear series. Check back daily as we work our way through this classic series and towards the release of its newest entry.

Platform: Sony Playstation and Nintendo Gamecube (Twin Snakes)

Metal Gear Solid was a completely unique experience upon its release. The game’s unique mixture of a cinematic approach towards telling its story, the emphasis on stealth over combat, and the complete and utter bad-assery of the game’s hero, Solid Snake, made a massive impression on gamers everywhere, solidifying both the series and Kojima as some of the biggest players in the game industry.



Eric Robbins writes:
“Metal Gear?!” 

Metal Gear Solid is a game that will always hold a special place in my heart. The Sony Playstation was the first console that I bought myself, and bundled within the box was a demo for Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid. In fact, I played the demo more than the game I purchased with the system (sorry Alien Trilogy)!

There are so many moments that work well in Metal Gear Solid that I’m hard pressed to pick just one. I’ve always enjoyed the Cyborg Ninja, aka Gray Fox (erhm, spoilers). Both his introduction, in which he removes the hand of Revolver Ocelot, and his death, where he goes one-on-one against Metal Gear Rex, are two of the best moments in the game. Frankly, I don’t think I can pick just a single moment of this game to show why I love it.


        More like the Cyborg Badass. 

Matthew Nyquist writes:
Like Eric, my first experience with Metal Gear Solid came with the demo. I’d spent countless hours on both Metal Gear games for the NES, and was expecting this to be as Mario 64 was to Super Mario 3; a 3D reimaging. It was that, but maybe even something more.

I can remember sitting in my basement, turning off the lights, and popping the disc into my little gray system. As it turned it on I heard the disc spin up, and on the screen I saw what is still one of my favorite Start screens on any game. I pressed start and was immediately engrossed in the most cinematic gaming experience I had had up to that point.

After finally getting the full game I can remember the amazement I felt when I reached Psycho Mantis for the first time. This bastard knew of my affinity for Symphony of the Night, but it didn’t stop there, he used his psychic powers to move my controller. The next day at school I think I personally sold 5 PlayStations and as many copies of MGS as everyone was amazed at the level of immersion this sparked. Sure, it was just the little dual shock rumbling on the floor, but it didn’t matter, I was in Snake’s world.


 Just don’t talk about Matt’s internet browsing habits when alone.

ThaTimothy Veilleux writes:
Metal Gear Solid. What a wonderful game. It’s one of those experiences you can look back on and remember exactly what you were doing at that time in your life as well as all the feelings and emotions you felt. It was the beginning of the cinematic generation of games. Shadows of it’s gameplay and presentation can still be seen in games today.

One fond memory that stands out today was playing on a cold christmas morning. The smell of turkey and sounds of paul mcartney’s wonderful christmas filled background. I had never experienced a game with such a story with this grand scope before, and was enthralled in the experience. With so many twists and turns, character betrayels and secrets, amazing characters and voice acting, Metal Gear Solid was truly the epitome of gaming in the 90s. Before I knew it, my whole family was watching me play on that Christmas morning.

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