I know I said I wasn’t buying “Halo 4.” Well congratulations, Dear Reader, you get to shove it in my face once again because I’m totally buying it. At first I held strong; sure that IGN review was very positive, but it’s IGN, the home of Chobot-otron and other manufactured entities. And anyway, IGN is the high fructose corn syrup of gaming journalism. I can withstand their braying ardor.


But then Destructoid came waving the flag with an even more positive review. And then Joystiq. And then Machinima. And then–be still my heart–the Penny Arcade Report. And now I am well and truly crushed. All possible resistance has failed. I still haven’t heard anything about this title that blows me away but I can’t resist all this gushing enthusiasm from sources I trust. Give me “Halo 4.”

There. Are you happy, people who called shenanigans on me months ago? You win. Savor it, because it’s (probably) not happening again!


words of wisdom, lloyd, words of wisdom




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