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You’ve probably heard it said that the best things in life are free. Any gamer, however, will tell you that’s…

Now, I know this is not game related, but it is related to the site so you’re just going to…

Ok, you guys got me. Here’s the real post. It starts with an initial investment, $60. That gets me…

My recent, or ever-loving, fascination with Sonic the Hedgehog is something that I’ve talked about at great length on…

Come one, come all; delve into the wonders of our latest picture blog! Pop culture merchandise is bigger than it…

So I’m going to have to ask you guys to bear with me today. Normally I try to be productive…

I’m sure by now many of you have heard that I came down with something. Basically, I’ve been completely incompacitated…

(Before we get started, there’s another comic hidden in this thing, but the ‘Read More’ button isn’t appearing, so hit…

This past weekend has been my birthday weekend (my actual birthday being the 24th) and I must say it definitely…

… outside of comic books, I suppose. Ok kids. This is waaaay late, thanks to the one-two punch of my…

‘Allo, you bloody yanks. RurouniQ here, writing to you from Great Britain. (Although if it’s so Great, why did the…

Today, online functionality is necessary to survive in the console war. But in 1994, Sega was way ahead of the…

“If you only knew what I’ve seen with your eyes.” The future: flying cars, clear plastic raincoats, Japanese stuff everywhere,…

It has been an incredibly busy several weeks for various reasons, some of which you will know soon, but I’ve…

What? Praise for EA? After we hear they’re trying to lock down college basketball rights? Watch this. Enraged? You should…

My most recent gaming adventures have taken me back down memory lane. After years of soul-tormenting nightmares, I sat down…

So 2008 is here, and with it will come a whole year’s worth of stuff. That’s a vague term, you…

As the title suggests, I am having a bit of a party this Friday.  I have finally graduated from KU…

According to the latest issue of EGM, the magazine has stopped receiving review products from Sony’s sports game divison, Midway’s…

But first, a preface from the Breakman: After reading Richies thoughts regarding the biggest things to hit us in…

Where-in Maul recounts his holiday, makes a bold fashion statement, and has a day of it with his favorite physician.…

In weeks of late, Xbox Live has been as reliable as a faulty light bulb, and it seems Microsoft has…