Browsing: Articles

Articles of all kinds from and 2003-present.

Note: Due to the way older the articles imported from ancient systems, some articles display the incorrect author and defaults to BreakmanX.

Eric and I had fun at the 3DS event in West Hollywood tonight.  We talked to a lot of cool…

Nintendo’s latest handheld, the stereoscopic 3DS, has been released into the wild.  So, what are you going to do with…

It’s finally here. I hold in my hands a genuine, brand spanking new aqua blue Nintendo 3DS! Although I’ve played… No. No you did not, Gearbox. You did not just push “Duke Nukem Forever.” You can’t. This is the…

3DS…is upon us. And as Nintendo gluttons everywhere know, nothing goes better with a new piece of Nintendo hardware than…

If you haven’t seen these yet, check out a few awesome pictures by Michael Suen, from, where he “de-made”…

Just got word from OnLive that “Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood” is going live on their service tomorrow morning at 10 am.…

You’ve probably noticed by now, Dear Reader, that I don’t really do “reviews.” That’s kind of Eric’s thing, and he’s…

In the last few years, the first-person shooter market has been overwhelmed by not only the quantity of titles, but…

Take a look at the Metacritic page for “Dragon Age II.” Notice anything…wrong? Anything strike you as unusual there? Have…

Valve continues to ramp up to the April release of Portal 2. Portal 2 will be available on XBox 360,…