With the upcoming unveiling of Nintendo’s next console I inevitably ask, what’s in store next generation? What can Nintendo, Microsoft,…
Browsing: Articles
Articles of all kinds from BreakmanX.com and Padinga.com 2003-present.
Note: Due to the way older the articles imported from ancient systems, some articles display the incorrect author and defaults to BreakmanX.
Hello Dear Reader, This is an open letter to any people who play the “Gears 3” beta in ways that…
Look over here, Dear Reader, “Hitman” is back, baby! Hot off the press, we just got word that IO Interactive…
Dear Fallout: New Vegas, It’s been almost one year since we last saw each other. “It’s not you, it’s me.”…
The end of an era. Nintendo will be showing off their new system at E3 this year (90.2% sure of…
Attention, Dear Reader, The “Red Faction: Armageddon” cover art is out. And here it is. As you probably recall, I…
Wait wait wait… who the what now? You know, it never even donned on me that China might not be…
It’s that time again, folks! The magic clock on the wall tells us it’s time again for Howdy Doo… I…
What up, Dear Reader, We’ve only got a week left in the “Gears 3” Beta. Can you believe that crap?…
Avast, Dear Reader, I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of time soaring over the internet, like…
The internet is buzzing this morning with reports that a witness saw next generation development hardware from Microsoft at EA. …
The Game Show – Are Games Art?: Are games art? A question many gamers and journalists debate. Join the game show crew as they discuss the relevance of games like Passage and further debate the importance of art and video games.
Inspired by this and that. DISCUSS!
Ah, there you are, Dear Reader, Ever own a game that you loved, got way into, and then didn’t finish?…
You ever been through a serious relationship only to have it end in a nasty breakup? Sure you have.…
Hello Dear Reader, So on a total whim, I downloaded the “Red Faction: Armageddon” demo, and much to my surprise…
In my travels abroad, I have sought high and low for the coolest places to visit. My latest journey was…
“Brink” is a game that has enjoyed a remarkably strong level of interest from the gaming community, especially considering how…
I swear to you, this will be the last time I do a post on “Portal 2.” Well, I don’t…
The imagineers over at Penny-Arcade have once again shot their load of awesomeness all over our collective chests. Too far?…
Would you like a free copy of the original Portal? Have you for some odd reason played through Portal 2…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FDds4ndiog&feature=player_embedded So apparently, somewhere in the world, there is a collection of super-human geniuses who decided that gamers should get…
Let me preface this by saying I think the people at Valve are geniuses. Their games are consistently awesome, with…
Hello Dear Reader– For the uninitiated, “Talking To Games” is exactly what it sounds like: I personify a video game,…
The PSN has been down for about a week now, for some sort of hacking or maintenance or something.…
Longtime followers of Padinga, and previously BreakmanX (and maybe if you were one of my readers in the pages of…
Rockstar sent us word today about “Max Payne 3,” finally. We have brand new details, we have brand new pictures,…
Church of Spirital Technology, this ain’t. Yesterday was Easter across the world, and a Minneapolis-St. Paul metro-area church, The Crossing…
If Nintendo had a middle name, it would be “Crazy as a Fox.” The only thing you can count on…