Dear Reader, I like Telltale Games, and I like “Jurassic Park,” so I can’t think of any real reason not…
Browsing: Articles
Articles of all kinds from and 2003-present.
Note: Due to the way older the articles imported from ancient systems, some articles display the incorrect author and defaults to BreakmanX.
Hello, it is I, BreakmanX. Due to last night’s show and to honor Mecha, I will be going by the…
SCIENCE shows that video games can cause serious injuries! Thank god the internet is here to warn us of…
Dear Reader, I told you I was going to give some love to “Metro: Last Light,” and I meant it.…
Max Payne, Max Payne wherefore art thou, Max Payne? Wow, that’s a title that’s been lost in developmental Hell for…
A little indy film troupe called Wayside Creations recently created a fan webisode based on Fallout called Nuka Break. Its…
Dear Reader, In an inversion of the natural order that would make Lewis Carroll dizzy, “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare…
Let’s set the Wayback Machine to… well, 28 days ago. EVO 2011 had just finished, and we…
I loves me some Borderlands, yes I do. You may recall it was my GOTY the year…
Dear Reader, So a little thing called PAX went down this weekend, maybe you heard about it. Our own Dr.…
Dear Reader, First of all, sorry about the lateness of this. Secondly, “CS:GO” baby! We’ve got a hot, sexy new…
Dear Reader, The beginning of a game is a tricky period. The developers need to impart a lot of wisdom…
Dear Reader, Although no one’s going to call them masterpieces of game design, the first three “Mortal Kombat” titles…
Ah, this game brings me back. This is the sort of innovative game we haven’t seen since… well,…
Dear Reader, Do you tire of the company of women? Has the female gender worn out its welcome in your…
Dear Reader, On this edition of “Talking To Games”–which for the uninitiated is exactly what it sounds like–we’ll be having…
We’re in a strange place, my friends. The world is getting smaller, and the advances of…
Cliffy B took to Twitter today to announce that Epic has concluded work on the final entry in…
I know what you’re thinking. A year-plus-old game is now free on the App Store, whoop-dee-fucking-doo. Fact…
Dear Reader, Hi, how are you? How are things? Shut up, I don’t care. Stop everything you’re doing. Stop everything…
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Dear Reader, Apparently, those insidious geniuses at EA have decided to port some permutation of “Battlefield 3” onto your iPhone.…
It’s back to school time, which means no more time for games with long, sprawling storylines. Instead I turn to…
Dear Reader, You wouldn’t always know it to look at me, but I actually have something of a moral compass,…
Boy do I loves me some video games. And MvC has long been the series on the top of my…
Hey gang! The ever-exhausted Maul checking in real quick to share something I got in my mailbox last night. 2K…
Dear Reader, We on this site make very little bones about our love of Valve. One might say we make…
Dear Reader, WB has finally debuted a trailer showing Rocksteady’s take on Mr. Freeze for the upcoming “Batman: Arkham City.”…
It’s that time again! It’s the mooooost wonderful tiiiiime…. of the yeeeeeear! *AHEM* Sorry about that. But seriously.…
Dear Reader, With the DLC market continuing to expand, one of the most delicious new developments has been the re-engineering…