P.E.T. Public Service Announcement: Windows Media Player Quicktime Another one of Jack Burton's film projects; this time Break is a…

Self-Respect: Windows Media Player Quicktime Jack Burton's film project starring Break is a humorous five minute short centering around a…

Be sure to catch us today at 7:00 Central Standard Time on the The Game Show. Click HERE to start…

So I keep feeling like there's just one more day until the next game that I'm waiting for.  Two weeks…

when I wrote my last post, but I've gone back to the dealer for a full refund.Figuring, "Well, good video…

Yes, something tore me away from Halo 2.  Yes, it was Gordon Freeman.  Yes, I'm having a blast playing it. …

First things first, be here at five central. Something will happen. This week is going to be a crazy fucking…

Yo all, just wanted to share some more pictures I’ve snapped while walking the booths of E3. Everyone, this is…

E3 Virgins, by Matthew ‘BreakmanX’ Nyquist Ever since hearing about it, E3 has been little more than a pipe dream…

CoD:  Worthwhile title or Medal of Honor clone?  Fine out inside.

Can the new Payne stand up to it's original, or does it get blown away in a shootdodge?  Read inside…

Interview with Kevin Browne– 08.28.2003 We had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Kevin Browne, who is studio…

Interview with Roddy Toomim, Music and Concepts Director for Feet of Fury By Guest Contributer Rurouni Trelane What exactly is…

The Halo2 and E3 Interview — 05.17.03When one thinks of Microsofts big green machine, there is but one game that…

left to right: John Higgins, ShadowmanX, Rurouni Trelane/Q, Tycho, Weezerjedi, Gabe, Siege, Kitsune, BreakmanX, and Richie. The Penny-Arcade Interview –…