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Post by Mothergoat »

You know, we can't stop it. The PSP will sell millions, because of the zillions of braindead Sony fanboys. But really, I am excited for it. Not because I want the SP dethroned, but becasue I know there will be tons of third party support out of the box. The launch games are critical to the PSP's success.
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Post by Jack Burton »

Yeah, those are pretty much my feelings on the PSP as well. Who knows, the thing might even be pretty cool...I'm already starting to save to get one of those when they launch (hopefully) this fall/winter.

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Post by Cable »

how can you bad mouth the PSP? Honestly? Aside frim the game gear and sega nomad, no one has ever even tried to make a reasonably powered hand held.
Nintindo has made baby steps each year and have JUST NOW cought up to the sega nomad.
And the nomad at least had backlighting and not that side lighting the SP has.
All they would need to make me happy and HOPEFULLY anyone else is to make a hand held that is about equall to PS1 in power, that is all they would need to nock nintendo out of the water.
ohh, that game boy just pisses me off. that thing should be a work of art tight now. but nooooooooooooooooo.....why do that when people will still pay for crap, becouse there is no compotition?

I don't know what games are gonna be on the PSP, and personlly i would think it would be more than enuff to just get some ports on it, but surely they are going to do better.

some people just get mad at sony for being, nintendo are the ones who needs to be slapped. slapped with a stronger hand than "nokia's" anyway.....
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Post by Realm »

May I pose a possibly controversial question: if Nintendo were to stop making consoles and just make games, am I the only one who thinks this may be a good thing? They could avoid what they seem to struggle with (hardware) and just stick to what they're good at: games. Would it really be so awful to play Mario on the PSP? Or Zelda on the "Xbox2"? I can't see how the franchises could suffer. And honestly, gamers might win in the end. Possible at all?
I have spoken.
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Post by kitsune »

the only problem with that would be that only two systems would be left. and if nintendo sided with one of them then it would gain so much pull on the market that the other system would tank. and then there would be one. and frankly if it was the xbox i would be scared.
i've been rapping for about seventeen years, okay. i don't write my stuff anymore, i just kick it from my head, you know what i'm saying, i can do that. no disrespect, but thats how i am.
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Post by AIDS »

The day Nintendo gives up on colsoles and becomes only a developer and publisher is the day I give up on video games. I know it's a stupid thing to say and I probably wouldn't go through with it, but I would seriously consider it.
Hell hath no fury for a woman's scorn for Sega.

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Post by RurouniQ »

Yes, the Game Gear and the Nomad were very powerful, but remember what happened to them? They tanked. (The Game Gear didn't tank immediately, it just died a slow grueling fun-less death.) It didn't matter that they were powerful, they were flawed in design, which is something I believe the PSP has in common. (And frankly, the GBASP's side-lit screen is a lot easier for me to watch for prolonged periods of time than the miniature TV in the GG.) See, when you combine the huge backlit widescreen, the "5.1" sound system and the spinning media game disc system, the result is a handheld console that powerdrains like a motherfuck. I predict getting 2... 3 hours tops out of it before you have to charge. Barely enough time to watch a movie, which is one of Sony's big selling points so far. Also, keep in mind that the lowest price tag prediction so far is still twice that of the GBASP, and that $200 is just a rumor started by EA; anaylsts are still predicting a $300 price tag. Considering the fact that most of the Sony fanboys-and-girls have barely-above-minimum-wage jobs, not very many of them are going to be able to afford it. Here's to hoping that once they realize how much the thing powerdrains, they won't even bother trying to save their money.
Cable wrote:why do that when people will still pay for crap
What, like the PS2? Good question, man. Good fucking question.
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Post by The Siege »

I don't think this thing is going to come anywhere CLOSE to dethroning the GBA SP (which I will say right here and now is the BEST designed video game system, EVER), but it might be cool, and it probably won't tank like the N-Gage.

And honestly, if it was THAT EASY to make a "super-powered handheld" that DIDN'T suck (due to battery drain, size, durability, price tag, or whatever issues exclusive to the handheld world), then someone would have done it already. It's funny how you will bitch and bitch about Nintendo holding back progress handheld games, yet don't mention a single competitor that produced a better product.

I am beating a dead horse here. At least I hope I am, because only a fucktard would keep this horse alive.
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Post by Cable »

my only beef is that nintendo could have don eit a LOOONG time ago, but since no one was impeding on their market there was no need, so they trickled out a new handheld every hear or two to bring in some more money, and i can pretty much garantee that within a year of the PSP being out nintendo unveil a new device with some attributes that are better than the PSP and some that are worse. But then all of the sudden they will fly forward technologicaly, like it just didn't occur to them to do it before.
And i doubt PSP will go out lik ethe nomad.....poor thing. I would still rather have one of those than a gameboy advance. Maybe not an SP though.
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Post by RurouniQ »

Sure, Nintendo could have done that... But keep in mind the way the American economy works. If you release something that kicks ass but is 3 or 4 steps ahead of the competition, the price will be astronomically high because the parts to build something like that will be costly themselves. Nintendo doesn't want to charge people an arm and a leg for their products, so they stick with what is economically feasible.
Even IF Nintendo were simply holding back for the sake of money, I challenge you to find ANY company who would do such a thing if they didn't have to. Certainly neither MS or Sony would, I can guarantee that.
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