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The Happening

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:42 pm
by Shur*tugal

Don't go see this movie...unless you go in the morning when it is cheaper. The movie is rated "R" for gore, the death scenes are pretty gory, but that’s about it. I think he has made far better. Signs and Unbreakable were much better.

So, there you go without giving away too much of the plot...

...but I think that the liberal environmentalists will like this movie too (Hint Hint).

Re: The Happening

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:37 pm
by Verence
I read the spec script back when it was called "The Green Effect".

I thought it was pretty cool. Reminded me of, like, a Ray Bradbury (or maybe more like Frank Herbert) short story or something.

Why didn't ya' like it?

Re: The Happening

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:44 pm
by Shur*tugal
Verence wrote:I read the spec script back when it was called "The Green Effect".

I thought it was pretty cool. Reminded me of, like, a Ray Bradbury (or maybe more like Frank Herbert) short story or something.

Why didn't ya' like it?
I was just wishing for a more dramatic storyline (not enough mystery).

Re: The Happening

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:01 pm
by Richie
I didn't think it was amazing, but it was totally enjoyable. Alison and I laughed through most of the gory scenes. Yeah, the plot was a bit thin, and we kinda felt the acting wasn't great, either. But there was still enough mystery and suspense to keep us in our seats.

I dunno, depends on how much you like M. Night movies. Legally obtain it if you're not a huge fan. :wink:

Re: The Happening

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:13 pm
by Verence
M. Night is working on an Avatar: Last Airbender movie at the moment. If he does a good job with it, all his past movies will be forgiven.

Re: The Happening

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:06 am
by WiizerFanboy
Alison's laugh makes me laugh.

Re: The Happening

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:49 pm
by Richie
Wiizerfanboy wrote:Alison's laugh makes me laugh.
Retro PSX players unite! Image

I'm playing RE2 at the moment.

Re: The Happening

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:15 pm
by WiizerFanboy
word. I'm loving parasite eve. It's like Chrono Trigger + Final Fantasy + Resident Evil I hear Parasite Eve 2 plays more like a resident evil game though, which is dissapointing, since the gameplay of PE1 is perfect for RPG lovers. I think it's totally underrated.

Re: The Happening

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:03 pm
by Richie
I saw Parasite Eve at the same store I got RE2 from (GameNut on Mass.). I'll give it a spin once I get done with RE2.

Rare PSX games are pulling a premium these days; FFVII going for $70+. :o

Re: The Happening

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:29 pm
by WiizerFanboy
Pssh, I'd rather legally obtain.

Re: The Happening

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:37 pm
by Richie
Yeah, I tried that first, but emulation on Mac is almost non-existent. ROM sites are a big clusterfuck, anyway. I don't feel bad buying reasonably priced PSX games.

Re: The Happening

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:48 pm
by WiizerFanboy

Not if they're 70+ American dollar bills worth. And honestly, it wouldn't be worth it anyway since PSN legally has them up for download for about 10 bucks a piece. :|


Re: The Happening

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:28 am
by BreakmanX
Yeah, its really lame. There are amazing emulators for just about every system besides PSX. Bootcamp works wonders, though. :)

Speaking of Parasite Eve, I LOVED THAT GAME! I played through it right after I beat FFVII in 97 or whatever. Great game. I love that scene where everyone catches on fire.
Richie wrote:Yeah, I tried that first, but emulation on Mac is almost non-existent. ROM sites are a big clusterfuck, anyway. I don't feel bad buying reasonably priced PSX games.

Re: The Happening

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:06 am
by WiizerFanboy
Sucks that Parasite Eve 3 will be for mobile phones. What's with squares and phones recently?

Re: The Happening

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:32 am
by RurouniQ
Phones are an incredibly profitable market in Japan.