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WTF? How long before Square sees this?
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:38 pm
by maul42
New online MMORPG (cuz we need more of them)
Check out their logo on the front page: ... PAodMkRcWw
Man, Chrono Cross much?
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:14 am
by Verence
Besides the title font being
similar, I don't see any resemblence.
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:25 am
by Vamp [Bot]
You mean a clock?
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:29 am
by maul42
Via the Wiki entry, yeah, check the logo.
Gameplay wasn't what I was pointing to, its the G is a clock, C is a clock thing.
Its altered some, but the second I saw it, the first thing that came to mind was "Chrono Trigger".
While anyone with half a brain will know the series aren't related, companies are so protective of fonts and brand images that I was pretty surprised to see it. These guys have got some balls to cut it that close, IMO.
And if you think I'm getting too nit-picky, ask Break to tell you the Microsoft branding story some day...
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:49 pm
by BreakmanX
About Metroid?
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:43 am
by maul42
No, about everything with an X in the name. *cough cough*