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Looks like SNK is back in action...

As requested by the fuzzy panda; a place to discuss all of your Arcadeyness.
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Looks like SNK is back in action...

Post by AIDS »

They are testing Metal Slug 5...

and a new fighting game...

I hope they don't ever turn all their games into 3D. 2D games are a rarity these days. Although I could see a Samurai Showdown made into a 3D fighter. It would basically be Soul Calibur 2 but with Samurai Showdown characters. Naw, forget it. We already have Soul Calibur 2. 2D has it's own flavor. I hope they never go obsolete.
Hell hath no fury for a woman's scorn for Sega.


Post by Chaos »

Screw Soul Caliber II, it's all about the 2-D games that actually take skill and that is none other than the king of Fighters.
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the fuzzy panda
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Post by the fuzzy panda »

man i tried playing snk vs capcom(some variation of it) at my arcade and that shit is hard, grant it i was always on the street fighter side cause i just cant get use to the controls of KoF, and mai and iori are cheap bitches
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Jack Burton
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Post by Jack Burton »

I haven't been able to find a Cap. Vs. SNK Chaos anywhere around me, but I don't really care that much....

Both this game and Metal Slug 3 are coming to Xbox with XBOX LIVE MULTIPLAYER!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

2D action online, baby! :D :D :D

Not to mention Metal Slug 3 co-op....mmmmm....Metal Slug.....*drools*

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Post by RurouniQ »

Hell if MS3 is coming to Live, I'm buyin that fucker instantly. Shit ladies, I bring those big grey tanks.
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