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Should the Wii be child-free?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:10 pm
by Mericks ... e-console/

I personally think this is one of the dumbest articles I've ever read, and I do truly believe I am stupider for having read it. I mean I can understand someone not wanting to buy "kiddy" games due to say, insecurities about their sexuality or just a flat out judgment known as "judging a book by its cover," but no. This isn't either of those. This is just flat out stupidity...

Not to mention this guy talks like one of those poor, poor casual gamers that thinks that games can only have a mature atmosphere with an M rating. You know, completely ignoring games like many of the 3D Zelda games or the Metroid franchise...or even fuckin' Call of Duty or Medal of Honor, many Tom Clancy games (though, granted, they are now getting M ratings for an average), etc. The list goes on.

I do have one guy I talk to that says this is a probably an April Fool's joke, though...I don't like early April Fool's jokes because...I don't consider them jokes. I consider that being a jackass or an everyday prankster, in which case no one should allow you to post articles about games aren't credible. Regardless, I'm not ruling out the option, though I don't fully believe that's the case.