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How did you?
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:38 pm
by BreakmanX
How did you find or The Game Show? Its been a little bit since we've done this and there's some new faces. Besides, it is always a bit interesting to me how people find our unadvertised space.
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:07 pm
by Vamp [Bot]
Shoutcast. I searched game talk, and your radio stream was the only one to come up. Got tired of listening to shows from 3 months before and decided to start listening to them live so that basically required visiting the site. That was back in October of 2005. I lurked for a bit and even went into the chat under the name Decoy and I think once as RichieIsGay (:P), used Vamp one time and just stuck around.
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:31 pm
by WiizerFanboy
Chapter 1: Enter BreakmanX and Richie!
Well it wouldn't even be possible if i wasn't testing out & looking for shoutcast streams for PSPradio way back about maybe 1 - 2 years ago.( back when it was just Richie and Break. ) That was the first time i ever heard an episode. after hearing you guys announce the site multiple times i decided to visit. I went under the alias of Scarface350 in the chat ( which is really the name i use for everything, ever since i fell in love with the movie a long long time ago... Don't know why i keep it, i just do ). I started liking the shows and i would usually listen to it on my PSP.( i would only rarely be in chat though, when i was i wouldn't talk as much as i do now, and i didn't have a forum ID at the time.) Then i stopped listening to the show for about maybe 3 months. I don't really remember why, maybe i just forgot about it...
Chapter 2: The Transition: Scarface350 to Wiizerfanboy
... Then about 3 months later i started listening to the shows again (still on my PSP most of the time. ) It was better this time around, part of it being that there was a 3rd staff member around. A 3rd human being, a 3rd point of view. Weezerjedi was the 3rd staffer on the show. There were more indepth gaming and penis conversations, and the show made me laugh alot more this time around. And then i heard the corndawg episode of the e3 06
3 episode series and laughed. ( Way to be smooth Richie

) After listening to a couple of more shows i started coming back to the site. And that's how i became ****
WiizerFanBoy **** and that's also when i got a bucket load of shit about changing my name. After a while, everyone gave up. i started conversing more and getting to know the people of this community.The first people that i met here were Triad, Mecha, Jbrown, and eXistence (Waaay before he ever even heard of and was consumed by WoW. ) Some time later i met Richie, Break, LikkleBaer and the rest of the crew. (... and another time later there was a show debating if i was a stalker from lawrence or not >_> ) Then i made a new forum ID and some new BreakmanX wallpapers. And then everything else went on from there.
... So, what/who really introduced me to this site??? The answer is: Sony

. If it wasn't for Sony and their ( what i thought at the time ) excellent next-gen portable i wouldn't even be here...
Sorry for my BMX life story wall of text

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:01 am
by Verence
Joe mentioned it, though I didn't actually start listening to the show 'till a long time after. I'm a procrastinator.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:09 am
by Stormeagle
I 1st hread it be mistake. This is my story. it was at 12:20am on was on winamp I was listing 2 video game music and i was going to click on... What was the song... oh it was for Final Fantasy 6. But before i click on it I so "my backpack got Jets" so I listing to it and it was good so later on that day I listing to breakmanx on winamp about all day. And thats how I got Hooked on Breakmanx.
P.S Thanks to you guys I have something very good to listing to on the internet radio thats not video game music.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:58 am
by Mericks
Well, technically I found the site by accident when flipping through presentations last November and by some odd coincidence, clicked on your name.
I didn't really know about The Game Show until the day after the conference, however, when flipping through the site and such, and of course you know that you are the reason I registered into the forums...for better or worse, although with my reputation, mostly worse.
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:59 pm
by Atticus
Richie got me hooked in high school. Started going to his house while he did the show on Sundays and then started posting in the forums cause I needed a place to rant from time to time. It just stuck.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:54 am
by bmdubya
Well it was '05 I think, that my friend told me about it. But he knew Break from school, so he had visited the site a lot. I didn't really start visiting until this year though after I talked to Break. But I love the site. Plus, I think Break gave some shirts to some kids here, and they wore them a lot last year.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:45 pm
by Mericks
Break was handing out shirts? Where? I frickin' want one now. NOW.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:18 pm
by BreakmanX
I can hook you up with one. Send me a PM with address and size.