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Dork at EB?
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:55 pm
by RurouniQ
This is sort of related...
I went in to EB today to preorder FFTA and there was this guy working behind the counter I'd never seen before. He was tall, kind of built, and had a short-trimmed moustache and beard, looked to be in his upper 20s, brown hair, no glasses. I asked him when exactly that would be in, and he said the 9th. I knew this was the date of release, but I wanted to be sure and asked "Not the 10th?" He looked at me in a very confused way and I clarified, "Well I couldn't get Soul Calibur until the day after it was released." Pause. He replied, "For what?" I flinched. For what??? It's on all systems, numbnuts! "Cause we had them here the first day." I could only marvel at his ignorance. "It should be here on the 9th." I could only nod numbly and walk away.
Break or Jack, someone clarify for me. Jack told me you wouldn't have them till the day after, which I wholeheartedly believe since that's usually how things work. Is this guy a complete dumbshit/EA-only player or am I overreacting? And if he is a dumbshit, what's his name and how many people with bats would we need to knock some sense into him?
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:07 pm
by Jack Burton
Nope...the date in the computer is the date we get it. If he told you the 9th, it'll be in on the 9th. It's his job to tell you that. And we DID have Soul Calibur 2 in on the day it came out, we just sold out of the GC ones really quickly because we only got 20 of them in.
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:47 pm
by kitsune
how is this related? i don't get it? why were you so mad at this guy? it didn't sound like he was being rude. he could only give you the knowledge that he had. and as for that whole "for what?" system thing i can see why you might think he wasn't a gamer. but more then that i understand that he was just wondering what system you bought/wanted it for. cause i mean i'm sure he knows that it was for all systems. if you work at eb there is no way you couldn't know that. i mean look at those displays that are up.
i dunno i haven't ever met a bad sales person at eb. now target is a different story.
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:58 pm
by Metus Odium
Well, I am the "Numbnuts" you are refering to, and I'm going to put this simply, since obviously you are the uninformed party. The date that shows up in the EB computer is first of all no where near 100% accurate, but unfortunatly that is all we have to go off of. If we do not get a game in on the date that we are supposed to it is hardly our fault as we have nothing to do with when, where, and how they are shipped. Since you are saying we didn't have SC2 on the release date I am assuming you are talking about the GameCube version, which we did only originally get 12 of in. That kinda sucks when we had almost 30 preorders, but the point is there is nothing we can do about that. We had to go out of our time, and drive to another store just to get enough copys to fill our preorders. We still had the game 3-4 days before any other store had it, so if you would like to complain be my guest, go somewhere else, wait those days, and complain to them.
Now what I'm sure you are refering to is the ship delay that has. And if you will go look at their website, they say FFT Advance comes out on wow, low and behold 9/8, which would give one day for shipping, making that 9/9, the exact date I told you. No, that does not mean there will never be a delay because something (who knows what) happens. And if it does happen I can assure you the employees at EB had nothing to do with it.
Now the part about this post that really troubles me. You have made some very personal and arrogant comments about someone you do not even know. If someone, anyone, confuses you, or has contradictory information, you dont run home and post extremely childish remarks about them. You act like a decent human being and have a civil conversation with them. I was trying to explain to you, that we did get SC2 in on time, but you insisted that it was late, which, yes for you it may have been, and thats why you should have preordered. Because without that preorder WE DO NOT GARENTEE YOU A COPY ON RELEASE DATE. And am assuming you didn't preorder because there were at least 10 copies of each system's preorders sitting behind the counter that night, because I closed that night. Unless one last possible thing happend, which was you did not get a call that day, because the Assistant Manager did not make all the calls that day, and your game was sitting behind the counter waiting for you. Either way, is that small communication barrier reason enough to write the things you did about me on here?
Now, this may have been a waste of my time, but I consider every person that works at that store, to be very reasonable individuals. I do not expect an apology for the things you said however, I know if I had made them, I would be giving one. And if that is asking too much I will be more than glad to arrange an opportunity for you to bring as many bats as you can find and knock as much sense into me as you think you can.
Mat Wehner
Metus Odium
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:02 pm
by BreakmanX
No man, I've worked with Matt on several occasions. Very nice and knowledgable guy. EXTREMELY hardcore gamer. He knows his shit backwards and forwards, and I advise you to make an apology as he is a good friend of mine as well.
He asked you what system because we got less of the GameCube version, and it might have been possible that caused you to get it late.
I guess this sums it up; he knows his shit.
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:39 pm
by Chris
If you pre ordered it for the game cube, I didn’t call you cause I had to go and pick up copies from Topeka, cause I was more worried about getting everyone the game. Mat knows his stuff, what we have in the computer is the tentative day that we receive the game. It’s not our problem you didn’t get Soul Calibur the first day, this more then anything should tell you to pre order the game so you are guaranteed to have one. So not everyone knows there games like you “may” there are ways you go about asking for clarification, other then talking like he’s dumb. The matter is over with, apologize if you want, but please show us respect
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:16 am
by RurouniQ
Well here is the part when I open my mouth, insert BOTH feet, then bow down and do a "I'm not worthy" Wayne's World-style. (If you can imagine all that, you're doing better than I.)
I sincerely apologize for my comments. Although I didn't think you'd be checking the site, that doesn't excuse my actions. The things I said were unwarranted and I made far too many inaccurate assumptions about you and your knowledge. Usually, I'm a really good judge of character and of deducing things about people, but when I drop the ball, I really drop the fucking ball, as you can see.
Again, I sincerely apologize, and I can assure you I'll be more careful about assuming things about EB employees from now on.