Page 1 of 1's not dead...

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:11 pm
by Jack Burton
As soon as Break gets on a normal sleep schedule, we'll be posting two new gamebreakers. We actually have two that have been filmed, he just has to get the motivation to actually capture and edit them.

Hopefully, we can give everyone at least one new gamebreaker by the end of the week...and another by next week. We'll see how that goes...


Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 8:46 am
by Realm
what's featured on the Gamebreakers? any hints?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 6:25 pm
by Jack Burton
Something that is a taint on an otherwise great franchise, and a nice, new peripheral for a system that only sold 80,000 units between april and june this year.


Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 7:10 pm
by Realm
:-k hmmmmm, i have ideas :D :idea: