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neon genisis evangelion movie

Japanese Animation and gaming. They go together... like wangs and Penny-Arcade.
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neon genisis evangelion movie

Post by the fuzzy panda »

adv has claimed the right to make a nge live action movie and i think its pretty fukin cool, if anyone reads newtype the article is worth reading.
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Post by RurouniQ »

Cool, yes. Potential to suck: GREAT. This could easily blow if they don't do it right. Me, I don't like Eva, but I'll go to see this one anyway just to support the US anime industry.
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Post by Typheus »

lol I hope it doesnt end up being like Power Rangers XD
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Post by Zephie-chan »

Not to break your bubbles, but ADV Films has always been littered with fuck ups when releasing domestic versions of anime. I keep up with Japanese versions of anime series', oavs, and movies. Every single DVD ADV has released has been "shit fucked" in some way, shape, or form.

This is my personal opinion of course, and I apologize to those who like ADV, but I personally think this movie, if they go through with it, will suck evil wang...

I loath them. This will not change. And again I apologize to those who like them. But come on, people... the anime movies weren't any good for Evangelion; they didn't capture the original feel of the anime and came up short. What makes anyone think that a live action adaption, much less by an ENGLISH evil anime company, will be any good?

Potential to SUCK has been dually voted for.

If this movie is any good (if they do indeed go through with it that is), I swear I will kick myself in the ass and apologize (I'll still hate them though). But don't expect anything from ADV Films. Trust me on this people...
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