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most anticipated DS games

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most anticipated DS games

Post by WiizerFanboy »

1. Maplestory DS
2. Zelda

cant think of more at the moment O_O
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Post by BreakmanX »

I'd second those two. Or at least Zelda ;)
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Post by RurouniQ »

Yoshi's Island 2!!!!!!!

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Post by Mericks »

Let me see, I haven't looked much into it but I'd have to say:

1. Zelda
2. FF3 (missed out on it 1st time around, why not take it now?)
3. Elite Beat Agents (the good talk about it is convincing me)
4. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (I think that's them)
5. FF:CC

Hey, I think that Pokemon started crapping out after Ruby and Sapphire (hell, I'll throw Emerald in there too) came out. So far I say Gold/Silver are the best out of that series so far...ANYWAY, I can't deny that I love having a good RPG and Pokemon isn't half bad for that, and I've always thought the game would kick ass as an MMORPG (All eyes on you Wii!)

Don't deny it, Crystal Chronicles is an awesome chance at some online play (given proper player customization settings too). Sure the game may have flopped on the Cube, but hell, everyone needs to try something new some time, and CC wasn't bad for Square's 1st and only shot on the cube with FF. Too bad we didn't see much on the game yet, and some of you could understandably not realize we have seen any info or videos on the game at all.
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Post by RurouniQ »

Keep in mind the FFIII coming out on DS is not the same game that came out on the SNES. That was FFVI in Japan. This FFIII has never been out in the US.

Elite Beat Agents is the God of handheld music games.
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Post by mecha »

Last edited by mecha on Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mericks »

RurouniQ wrote:Keep in mind the FFIII coming out on DS is not the same game that came out on the SNES. That was FFVI in Japan. This FFIII has never been out in the US.

Elite Beat Agents is the God of handheld music games.
I know. the US got screwed over and we never got the full 1st 6 games. I missed completely out on the NES era (I started in the SNES era at the age of 2).

And Mecha, it's a REMAKE of the Japanese NES game. It's got 3D graphics now and some other new features and crap like that, I haven't looked into it much due to the Wii.
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Post by mecha »

Sorry, maybe I worded it wrong. Any idiot can go online a find out that FF3 is a remake with better graphics and what not. I was looking for something deeper, like any changes to gameplay mechanics. Thanks.

I guess I'm the idiot.
Last edited by mecha on Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Mericks »

Mecha wrote:
Mericks wrote:And Mecha, it's a REMAKE of the Japanese NES game. It's got 3D graphics now and some other new features and crap like that, I haven't looked into it much due to the Wii.
Thanks for telling me something I already know. Not what I was asking at all. 8)
You asked if it was a direct copy of the NES game, so I said yes, specified that it was Japanese only back then (but no more), and I told you the main difference. Also, recruiting people to open doors and caves for you really isn't that annoying. It amounts to collecting a key after all, only difference is the key has no use after you open the door... Really don't know if that statement is true or not though.

But don't ask if it's an exact copy or not if you don't want the question answered.
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Post by RurouniQ »

Gee Mecha, from the way you worded it, it really sounded like you didn't know and was asking to be informed.
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Post by mecha »

Yeah, I'm a moron. Forget I even asked. Sheesh. :D

Yeah I never saw any pictures or videos of FF3...

Yeah I thought it was going to have NES graphics for the DS.


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Sorry, maybe I worded it wrong. Any idiot can go online a find out that FF3 is a remake with better graphics and what not. I was looking for something deeper, like any changes to gameplay mechanics. Thanks.

I guess I'm the idiot.
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Post by Verence »

You suck!

Get off the stage!

You're not funny!

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Post by maul42 »

Elite beat agents is a terribly fun game.
I'm a little sad that many of the cultural references will be missing from the port, but I guess that's just the way the marketing stuff goes. Still, it'd be cool if they just put liner notes in the instruction manual explaining the styles and gags, instead.
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Post by kitsune »

maul42 wrote:Elite beat agents is a terribly fun game.
I'm a little sad that many of the cultural references will be missing from the port, but I guess that's just the way the marketing stuff goes. Still, it'd be cool if they just put liner notes in the instruction manual explaining the styles and gags, instead.
what port are you talking about?
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Post by Verence »

Hey, it's Kitsune! :)

I believe he just meant the american version.

Though I do hope to see a version on the Wii some day.