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Sell my Genisis?

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Sell it?

Poll ended at Sat Jul 05, 2003 4:16 am

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Sell my Genisis?

Post by Evilmagicpirate »

This Saturday my family is having a garage sale, and my mother is telling me I should sell my old Sega Genisis. Besides a brief affair with a PS2, the Sega Genisis is the only other console I've ever owned.. However, I really dont have any special attachment to the system, and the small library of Cartridges I own, I also have in ROM form... Also, I haven't played the thing in nearly a decade...

However, Im thinking that in 10 years I might want to put the unit on display in a special frame on my wall or something, so I should keep it if I ever want to do something like that.. Cuase the unit does have some old school value to it.. However, I know Mum and Dad aren't going to understand that.. and will probably insist I sell it anyway.. Even though I will only get about $6 for the unit + games.

Anyway, whats your take on the matter? Should I sell the old piece of 'junk' and buy myself a nice sandwitch with the cash, should I stand up to mum and dad and say Im keeping it -even though it will probably sit in a box for the rest of my life? Also, what would be a reasonable asking price for a Genisis, 2 controllers, and library of about 10 games (incase I decide I dont want it)?
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Jack Burton
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Post by Jack Burton »

Don't sell it, who knows...50 years from now you may be able to sell it for a fortune to another collector, and you'll also probably get the hankering to play some of your older games, just like I did this past week.

And oh man, while ROMs are alright, the real thing is about 10x better.

Keep it, and have fun with the games you have.

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Post by RurouniQ »

I'd say hold on to it, man. Yeah, you can emulate, but it's not the same, is it? Besides, I've never been a big Genesis fan, but you've got a huge library of good games at your disposal, and since the system's long dead, they're cheap as hell. I don't know what 10 games you have, but you can easily round out your collection with games like the Sonic games, Vectorman, Gunstar Heroes, Kid Chameleon, Comix Zone, the Phantasy Star series, the Shining Force series... and that's just the good ones I know of. Even better, find a cheap Sega CD and enjoy Sonic CD, easily one of the best Sonics to date and not available on the GC. You can tell your parents that you want to keep it, and you've save money because of it, because you'll be spending less money on games. (That's not to say you'll stop buying games for the next-gen consoles as well, but you don't have to tell them that.) :wink:
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Post by BreakmanX »

Keep it, for the reasons already stated.
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Post by Evilmagicpirate »

Well, I decided I will sell it. I looked at the system for the first time today in ages, and it is pretty ugly.. plus I can only locate three of my games, and they are shitty ones - Colunms, Ecco the Dolphine, and Wiz & Liz.. So I dont know what the fudge happened to my Sonic games?

Ohh well, I liked the emulated versions better.. with its saved states, and special video filters...Mmmm... and this way I get like $6 to buy a nice sandwitch with :)
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A thousand voices just cried out in terror... There has been a large disturbance in the force.
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Post by Realm »

losssst!!!! the preciousss is lost!


lol, sega genesis, honestly who cares? enjoy the sandwich man.
(Quizno's rules! best subs ever!) (don't think they have them in Australia though)
I have spoken.
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Post by Evilmagicpirate »

Well, I got :10 bux: for it.. so Im happy enough
Realm wrote: enjoy the sandwich man.
(Quizno's rules! best subs ever!) (don't think they have them in Australia though)
Yeah, we dont have Quiznos here.. and that sucks. We have subway, but its all shitty compared to the US.. all the ingredients taste different and bad.. So I bought some French Frie -and french fries are pretty much universally good.
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Post by BreakmanX »

Realm wrote:lol, sega genesis, honestly who cares?
Someone has no respect for gaming's roots... :cry:
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Post by Evilmagicpirate »

BreakmanX wrote:
Realm wrote:lol, sega genesis, honestly who cares?
Someone has no respect for gaming's roots... :cry:
Who cares? Not me!
My gaming roots were on a PC with Text Based adventrue games.
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Post by Realm »

sorry break, i'm just not a classic gaming fan. if you could drive a brand new car, why would you want one that's old and obsolete? ya i know, nostalgia. don't mean to be cold and heartless, classic systems just never were very dear to me.

p.s. french fries-good stuff! and yes, i'll call them FRENCH fries not FREEDOM fries if i want to! lol. sorry emp, american inside joke. you gotta admit, even if americans are assholes sometimes, we're still pretty clever. :wink:
I have spoken.
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Post by Evilmagicpirate »

Useless Australia Fact #137:
We actaully call them chips here in .au
So if somebody says I want some chips, you can be sure if they want like a bag of Chips, or if they want fries. Usually you can assume what people mean by the context they use the word, but it sometimes leads to confusion.
Realm wrote:you gotta admit, even if americans are assholes sometimes, we're still pretty clever.
If you get to know me, you'll soon discover that Im really an American at heart.. I share more with my friends that live half way around the world than I do with my 'mates' that I go to school with. Actaully, I find Australia to be a 'wreched Hive of scum and villany' whereas America is the proverbial 'land of milk and chocolate'... I could go into elaborate details about why I hate it here.. But I'll save you all from my obnoxious bitching... Just know that Australia is a nice place to visit, but you wouldnt want to live here.[/quote]
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Post by Jack Burton »

So, EMP, can you tell me what exactly your censors down there took out of GTA3 and GTA: Vice City? The latter is a horrible excuse for a sequel, but it's pretty popular, and it got a lot of press around the time is was going to be released in Australia because it was going to get censored all to hell. I'm really interested in what they actually did to it.

Oh yeah, shame on you for selling your genesis....emulators are ok, but the actual system is where it's'll never be able to play Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine on anything but a GC now. Sad.... *tear*

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Post by Richie »

Evilmagicpirate wrote:If you get to know me, you'll soon discover that Im really an American at heart
Funny, EMP, I always figured you were a native American that started living in Australia. So you're born and bred Australian? And how did you come to get so much American in your heart?
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Post by BreakmanX »

I'd take the new car.

But, if I could sell that car for 10 bucks, or keep it, I'd keep it. Especially if it could do all a Genesis can. :wink: