Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:32 pm
So, we have been a little laggy with game reviews here, and I take some part in that because of school, but its time I step up to get these damn games finished and give you all reviews, the same will be with the rest of the members, by order of the godman himself BreakmanX. So really, if you have never seen this part of the site yet.. check it out, hoping you all have but I'll link you there, There should be updates on the homepage if someone has added a new review, so site tight, your wait is very short from here. ... &Itemid=42
So, we have been a little laggy with game reviews here, and I take some part in that because of school, but its time I step up to get these damn games finished and give you all reviews, the same will be with the rest of the members, by order of the godman himself BreakmanX. So really, if you have never seen this part of the site yet.. check it out, hoping you all have but I'll link you there, There should be updates on the homepage if someone has added a new review, so site tight, your wait is very short from here. ... &Itemid=42