Now I don't know how many of you on here have seen this marvelously genius film from Hong Kong, but if you haven't, download it, see it, just find it somehow. It's hilarious and it's pure genius. Miramax is having it brought over later this summer, but from what I've seen of the [link=]trailers[/link] I'm really sad to see that they went ahead and dubbed it. Two of the funniest parts of the movie will be lost from this:
1) The timing of Stephen Chow, the main actor. He's downright hilarious and he really shines in this film. His timing is impeccable and it's a damn shame that he won't be heard by the american public.
2)The god-awful subtitles. I mean seriously, whoever did this translation should be shot, but it adds to the humor of the film so much.
If you find this movie on the internet, ebay, or wherever, give it a shot. It's one of the funniest movies you'll ever see. Think Mighty Ducks but good, and no Emilio Estevez. It's great. Give it a shot.
Shaolin Soccer
Oh yeah. I saw a preview for this movie when I went with my then-gf to see View from the Top, and I about fell out of my seat with joy. I WILL be seeing this movie when it comes out, opening night! And personally, I think I'll probably enjoy the dub version, simply because the dub job will be so BAD! It'll be something to laugh at and enjoy.