I Still love me, I still love me. (Hate me.)
Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:53 pm
ok, before I get Shunned, Shot down, Beaten, or molested for this, I'll have you know, I love this album, Its a step in a diferent direction. Now, don't get me wrong, but 5 years, maybe its just me? I remeber Blair stating that if he spells it out, he means it, no trickery lies, if he wanted to do tht he would make it hidden/put it in secret code. Why the fuck am I doing this you ask? Well its really simple, I'm hearing too many riffs from past albums/ too many riffs from intros on the lateralus tour. Not to say that it is bad, I love it, its not even that I expected something more out of Tool, I just expected Tool, this seems somewhat un-Tool. You ask me how I can back this up? here:
"Now where was I?.. Oh yeah, TOOL!.. I'm not going to reveal my source, Mister Patience, but do you want to know the kind of things that have been going on while this record was being recorded? Okay, first there was the decoy record just to confound all those would-be bootleggers out there. This took, oh, about a year, just because the band members wanted it to sound pretty close to the real thing (so as to be believable), along with equally believable art design. When they weren't working on this grand deception, there were other pleasant distractions, such as July 4th 'barbecues with Boar's Head dogs and Icelandic Barbie totally naked by the Jacuzzi, concerts at the Hollywood bowl with a nest of diamonds overhead (alright, a planet, two stars and a noisy police helicopter), velvet-roped "Family Guy" premieres, sailing in the blue Pacific, watching the Dodgers lose while drinking eleven-dollar watered-down Budweiser because they don't sell Czechvar or Sam Adam's "Utopias" at Chavez Ravine (that will be the day... yeah, when Aloke is asked to play the National Anthem on his Bengali bongos)., and here I was with my severe cenosillicaphobia, sitting between Adam and Buzz with only thirty-three dollars in my pocket, watching home runs and fireworks behind the Orange Curtain with L.A.'s latest acquisition (i.e. the Angels),.. and free Hooter's Buffalo wings if they win by 10 runs or more... and they DIDN'T (the fix was on at nine!)
And then try to imagine what when on in the studio itself (this time while recording the real CD). "Sure we could send a runner for take-out from Arbys, but instead of Big Montanas, let's grill marinated salmon in the parking lot...in fact, let's pull the plug, board our Tool Lear jet and go to Alaska and catch the salmon ourselves."
According To Blair, there is 2 albums, one fake, and one real, the fake was done good enough to be believeable, but something Tool would'nt really put out. Which would infact mask it well enough. The album just leaked way too early, to me it seems like the band themselves leaked it, the band themselves promoted the fake album, kabir heard the fake album (I think he may be in on it). What we will get on May 2nd is the real album (Whether or not it is the 10,000 days leak).
Every album thus far has been not only a step in a new direction but has gone above and beyond another, they grew immensly between album, but this just doesnt hav ethe same feel. I don't know. if Blair is telling the truth (I believe him) this would in fact be that leak that diverts the attention of the real album, IMO the tracklists and the album name will stay the same, but the songs will not. This if anything is what Blair was talking about, and In time (may 2nd that is) We will truly find out what the hell is up.
Before I am questioned, think about it. If anyone Tool could pull this off. and I honestly believe they did, maybe I'm just an over analyzer but to me Blair if anyone would have the scoop before anyone else.
Sorry if I
have bored you or pissed you off Something isn't right.
"Now where was I?.. Oh yeah, TOOL!.. I'm not going to reveal my source, Mister Patience, but do you want to know the kind of things that have been going on while this record was being recorded? Okay, first there was the decoy record just to confound all those would-be bootleggers out there. This took, oh, about a year, just because the band members wanted it to sound pretty close to the real thing (so as to be believable), along with equally believable art design. When they weren't working on this grand deception, there were other pleasant distractions, such as July 4th 'barbecues with Boar's Head dogs and Icelandic Barbie totally naked by the Jacuzzi, concerts at the Hollywood bowl with a nest of diamonds overhead (alright, a planet, two stars and a noisy police helicopter), velvet-roped "Family Guy" premieres, sailing in the blue Pacific, watching the Dodgers lose while drinking eleven-dollar watered-down Budweiser because they don't sell Czechvar or Sam Adam's "Utopias" at Chavez Ravine (that will be the day... yeah, when Aloke is asked to play the National Anthem on his Bengali bongos)., and here I was with my severe cenosillicaphobia, sitting between Adam and Buzz with only thirty-three dollars in my pocket, watching home runs and fireworks behind the Orange Curtain with L.A.'s latest acquisition (i.e. the Angels),.. and free Hooter's Buffalo wings if they win by 10 runs or more... and they DIDN'T (the fix was on at nine!)
And then try to imagine what when on in the studio itself (this time while recording the real CD). "Sure we could send a runner for take-out from Arbys, but instead of Big Montanas, let's grill marinated salmon in the parking lot...in fact, let's pull the plug, board our Tool Lear jet and go to Alaska and catch the salmon ourselves."
According To Blair, there is 2 albums, one fake, and one real, the fake was done good enough to be believeable, but something Tool would'nt really put out. Which would infact mask it well enough. The album just leaked way too early, to me it seems like the band themselves leaked it, the band themselves promoted the fake album, kabir heard the fake album (I think he may be in on it). What we will get on May 2nd is the real album (Whether or not it is the 10,000 days leak).
Every album thus far has been not only a step in a new direction but has gone above and beyond another, they grew immensly between album, but this just doesnt hav ethe same feel. I don't know. if Blair is telling the truth (I believe him) this would in fact be that leak that diverts the attention of the real album, IMO the tracklists and the album name will stay the same, but the songs will not. This if anything is what Blair was talking about, and In time (may 2nd that is) We will truly find out what the hell is up.
Before I am questioned, think about it. If anyone Tool could pull this off. and I honestly believe they did, maybe I'm just an over analyzer but to me Blair if anyone would have the scoop before anyone else.
Sorry if I
have bored you or pissed you off Something isn't right.