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I want one...

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 9:12 pm

Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 12:53 pm
by kitsune

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 2:46 pm
by Realm
whoa, um, call me stupid if u want to but what am i looking at?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 6:33 pm
by BreakmanX
That would be a Japanese only version of the Nintendo Gamecube manufactured by Panasonic. The biggest difference is that it plays DVD's. It also looks incredibly spiffy.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 11:31 pm
by Jack Burton

Correction. It plays japanese dvds...I'm sorry. I kinda want to be anal-retentive on this subject.

It looks damn sweet though...too bad nintendo is too stupid/arrogant to release it over here :(
