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Building a Comp

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Building a Comp

Post by RurouniQ »

I'm building a computer for a friend of mine, and I've got a lot of the details figured out, but I'm stuck at the most important parts: the motherboard and processor.

We already know we're going for an Athlon64, and I thought I was going for DDR2 memory, but I can't seem to find an MSI or ABit boards with DDR2 support. On top of that, I'm not finding any boards of those brands with SATA 300 support either. Is it not that essential to have either of these technologies? We're not looking to break the bank, but we're looking to stay under $1000, if not more like 800 or 900, for the whole comp.

And then, once we pick out the mobo, I need a proc too. Man, I wish Newegg sold mobo/cpu combos. I don't want to make the mistake I made 2 years ago when I replaced my CPU and end up getting something incompatible with the mobo.

[EDIT:] Apparently, AMD doesn't support DDR2 RAM. Lame. Is it really that important? I can't see a mobo that supports more than PC3200.
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Post by Jbrown »

Im currently Building a computer also. No AMD dosnt support DDR2. For Processor go for at least AMD 3200, if u can spend a little more go for the AMD X2 3800, The motherboard I bought, Gigabyte GA8N-Pro SLI, is about $110, supports all 939 Chips and is SLI compatible. The memory really isnt that important BTW, you can get a gig of Corsair for $70 now which works great.

The best MOBOS In my opinion are Gigabyte or DFI, maybe ASUS.

Also what is this person going to be doing with this computer? Gaming or not?

Just make sure you go with a 939 pin board, it will be future proof and you might want to get SLI compatible also if there going to be gaming with it. Speaking of SLI make sure you go with PCI Express and not AGP b/c its being phased out altogether

Here is my MOBO: ... 6813128301

Here is my Procesor: ... 6819103535

Here is great processor if u can spend a little more, this is the 3800 X2 , which is Dual Core: ... 6819103562
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Post by RurouniQ »

Not bad... I went through some stuff with Richie's help and found this motherboard: ... 6813157081

Sure it's not a top brand, but it's $40 less, has a 1000MHz FSB, and has pretty good reviews.
Oh, and here's the computer I ended up "putting together". All in all, I think it's pretty damn spiffy for coming in under $700. ... n's%20Comp

Could someone do me a favor and check out the power supply and make sure it has SATA power cords? I'm not sure what they look like...
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Post by Richie »

That's affirm on the SATA cables. You're go for build. 8)
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Post by Jbrown »

Looks pretty good.....

heres stuff im getting, cept i already have MOBO ... %27s+Stuff