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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Post by hoodyboody »

Has anyone else gone to see this? It's such a good film. It opened here in Australia last thursday, and I've seen it three times in cinemas already, and watched it a few times from downloaded version I have. It's one of Tim Burton's best films, and a great take on the book.

Wonka is more fucked up than I was expecting, and he's just absolutely hilariuos, but if you see it again, be sure to watch his face throughout the entire film. He has LOTS of evil moments, when he makes evil glares at people, and you can just see his brain ticking. He also has VERY stupid moments, when you could easily mistake him for Michael Jackson with all those little kids around...

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Post by Afrotect »

I wasn't that big of a fan of it. I had such high expectations and it just failed to deliver for me. It wasn't a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination, but the original is still far superior.

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Post by Realm »

Saw it. Really wasn't to my taste. Some funny moments, but most of it was too cracked out for me. Good kid's movie if nothing else.
I have spoken.
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Post by BreakmanX »

I really enjoyed it as well. This summer we watched it the night before it came out with the screenwriter and he told all sorts of great production stories about Tim Burton.

I absolutely loved Mr. Depp's performance throughout. Tim Burton's goal was to make a film close to the book, and except for Count Dooku's role and some of the end, he really succeeded. Danny Elfman's track and Burton's visual style really made this film shine.

As far as comparisons to the original go, they are really two different movies. The original was different than the book in theme, and really most ways. In fact, Roald Dahl hated the original so much he wouldn't allow any sequels (Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator) to happen. That said, I really like Gene Wilder in the original and for being such an original take on the book it is good for what it is.

Kind of funny sidenote; the screenwriter had NEVER seen the original before he got signed onto the project. He was just a huge fan of the book and Roald Dahl in general. Tim Burton actually thought this was a big plus and wouldn't allow him to see the original until he had completely finished writing.

Seems to me, and I haven't noticed this in any of the above posts so I'm not talking about people here, that the people that were dissapointed were going to see a remake of the original movie. The movies had different goals, and I think both succeeded. The first one was really a surprise success for how they filmed it low budget over-seas... Gene Wilder was really the whole movie..