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Initial D live action movie out

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Initial D live action movie out

Post by Richie »

Here's an informative thread and torrent if anyone cares to download it:

As I feared, ID fans who've already watched it say it sucks hard. :cry: Supposedly Takumi (main character) is horribly interpreted, the plot is butchered, and there's no Eurobeat (signature ID music).

Not that I didn't see this coming, of course. :oops:

But fortunatly, the TV is rocking harder than ever. Subbed versions of 4x15 and 16 just went up on torrents. :D
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Post by Zephie-chan »

I never watched Initial D before, but as with any live-action adaption, they usually suck hard or harder. I'm seriously not looking forward to the Touch live-action TV adaption, so I can honestly feel the Initial D fans' pain...
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