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Episode III, Revenge of the Sith

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 2:25 am
by BreakmanX
"This is by far the best film in the more recent trilogy, and also the best of the four episodes Mr. Lucas has directed. That's right: it's better than Star Wars." -New York Times

I've seen several reviews saying it ties for best in the series with Empire. I loved this movie, and as of right now here's my list.

Revenge of the Sith
Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace

I look on all the movies as one big movie as they should, but this is the order of emotional attachment. I love all of them almost equally, so this list is hard for me to make.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 5:34 pm
by Zephie-chan
Hmm... I just got back from the movies (went to see Episode III of course), and I dare say: Fucking awesome shit. I have to say it ranks first among my emotional attachment list too:

Revenge of the Sith
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Empire Strikes Back
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace

As you told me yesterday (or today, as it was after Midnight), it should all be viewed as one full, approx. 12 hour movie. After mulling it over, I have to agree... Now, onto my personal view on two things I did not like (no spoilers -- pertains to CG only). I'll complain to Break in real-time for things I thought, about the story, that made me think was slightly... "odd", so no worries.

1. I don't know if it was just my theatre or what, but I did notice jerks in some of the CG animation. Particularly with Yoda and the troopers as if the CG missed a frame for some reason; I have it in my mind to forgo that as a bad roll of film until the DVD arrives.

2. I was absolutely disgusted with the horrible "cut & paste" action for the face of Jango Fett onto the CG trooper body... I mean, there was no real reason to show the face on the body (except to try the new effect) and it totally ruined those scenes for me... They didn't work, I could easily tell it was all fucked up and not right. I no longer believed it. The masks should stay on unless its just a headshot (like in the fighters). I hope they'll improve it, at least a little, for the DVD release...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 8:34 pm
by Jbrown
well i went and saw it today...ofcousre it was hella good but it just plain out pissed me offm if he love padame soo much why the hell would he choke her......dang dark side

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 6:03 pm
by Typheus
All i have to say is that Anakin isn't the brightest bulb in the harbor :/

I mean he has been with the Jedi all his life and always wante dto be one...and they put him on the counsel...they practicly gave him everything he wanted and he throws a hissy fit because hes not promoted to im gonna use a video game example here. In Halo 2 you had a ranking system to let others know how good you were....woopty fucking doo. I don't give a damn how strong others thought I were...I knew I could woop their asses...spoiled brat -_-...

Well as I was saying he has been with the Jedi all his life and Palpatine says two things to him and hes like *plays dramatic music* "Oh my god the Jedi are evil and are trying to take control" *disc scratches* lmfao what? So Palpatine is god now or somethin? I think Bush is a ogod pres and all but if he said my family was trying to take control of the government I would be like "o yeah April Fools dude"

Hard to believe he would kill a bunch of kids just to "save" he shouldve burned ALOT more...hes lucky Obiwan doesn't think like me or Anakin would've wished he died...well he wouldve in the end but im not going into my torture ideas while over a burning river of lava >>

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:17 pm
by LikkleBaer
One of the many many many things that just didn't make sense to me about this movie was the way Anakin had zero reaction to the whole 'ohhh well I don't actually know how to keep people alive but I'm sure that together we can figure it out pretty sharpish mmmkay?' thing... I mean, he's supposedly decided to go over to the dark side to save the woman he loves and yet he doesn't get pissed at finding out that the guy doesn't know how to do it???!!!

Even taken by surprise, the Jedi are shown to die feebly and way too quickly... disappointing.

Sorry Breakman love, but my reaction to the movie as a whole would have to be "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!"