Feb 27th Radio Show
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:32 pm
Great show this week. Although I have to disagree on one point. I think that gameplay wise MVP baseball is the better game this year. Although the Most Improved award goes to MLB. Of course without a doubt they are both incredible baseball games and I own them both. I think the reason I like them both so much and wasnt disappointed is that I didnt play MVP 04, so I couldnt have been disappointed that it was the same as last year. Although the 5 inning online is the single worst thing ever, its like Madden reducing its games to 4 mins to get rid of disconnects. Which to me wasnt that big of a deal since Madden forces you to play against the CPU if you opponent bails. Since MVP ends the game wherever it is I think we need a 9 inning system. For ranked games I play MLB more right now, but I play in leagues in both and I am really excited for them to get started as I am a huge baseball fan and I have two great games to play this year.
P.S. Have you guys ever thought about chapterizing your show. I dont listen very often and that is simply because I dont like jumping around to hear the parts I dont want to. Right now Its like a magazine without a Table of Contents, and where you can only turn the page in multiples of three (damn winamp)
I would listen a lot more if it were like this!
P.S. Have you guys ever thought about chapterizing your show. I dont listen very often and that is simply because I dont like jumping around to hear the parts I dont want to. Right now Its like a magazine without a Table of Contents, and where you can only turn the page in multiples of three (damn winamp)
I would listen a lot more if it were like this!