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PSP = N64 Flop

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:48 pm
by Dubya
Anyone think that there is a complete reversal of roles between Sony and Nintendo when it comes to handhelds? Take for example the biggest problem with N64. The N64's biggest problem was the price of the games. Now we have the DS with $30 games and the PSP with $50 games. Sony is gonna crash & burn!

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:18 pm
by BreakmanX
I think there is a similarity there, except I think the N64's biggest problem was it's lack of Square and use of the cartridge medium.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:57 pm
by kitsune
i must agree with break on the lack of square causing a big problem for the n64. it was around the time of the n64 when i started to mainly want to play rpgs. since n64 had hardly any good ones i sold it to buy a psx. i did miss a lot of the titles nintendo had but i thought it was worth it to get me those rpgs.

however i disagree on the use of cartridges as being another problem. For a console i don't care what medium is used as i will mainly keep it at one place. this is where i think the psp's use of cds is good. cds are easy to tote around. while the ds and gba cartridges aren't hard to carry around its more ackward.

also agree with weezer that price is a big deal. i think more then anything price is what really makes me think twice about something. i mean sure a new dvd would be great, but used is just as good and cheaper. thats the way i think so 50 for a psp game that is great is awesome, but a solid 30 for a ds game wins my cheap heart.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:49 pm
by BreakmanX
In the case of the DS the cartridges hold more, and have a much faster (almost instentaneous) read time.

The reason I paired the cd and Square thing was because the reason Square left was because Nintendo couldn't give them enough space with their much smaller cartridges. I agree with you, I don't care if they put the games on a piece of toast or perhaps a chicken nugget, as long as it works. The cartridge is better as long as it has enough storage space. Especially since the parts for making them has gotten so cheap.

The UMD for the PSP also consumes a lot of power spinning that disc. For a portable system, it will really hurt it. Especially when the Nintendo cartridge for the DS holds just as much, without the battery problems, or the read time issues.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 3:32 pm
I hope the DS will be able to write on the DS medium. I would imagine that it works that way, in order to save games. I also hope that alot of homebrew programming will be on the DS. I don't know how someone would do it, but it would be sweet.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:00 am
by Cable
don't forget both Capcom games on the 64

Resident Evil 2..........64
MegaMan Legends........64

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:27 pm
by kitsune
i'm waiting for the capcom title:

rockman.exe ds....

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:08 pm
by Guest
Everyone said the carts were the problem for the N64 but I didn't see it as a problem. As a gamer either medium works fine. As a developer CD's are cheaper because of space, and you have to keep adding chips to carts to get space, which is a bit more expensive.

The whole lack of RPG's is also why the N64 didn't do as well as it should have. I didn't miss Square at all though because aside from Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi, I can't stand traditional RPG's. To me they are extremely boring.

You have to admit though the N64 was and still almost is the ultimate party system. Smash Brothers, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, Mario Kart, etc.

Oh, and Capcom did finally start making a couple games for the N64. Resident Evil 2 came out for the system, and maybe a couple others.

As for the current handhelds I think Nintendo is doing things right and really trying to inovate and further portible gaming. Sony is just trying to bring home experiences to their portible, which isn't bad but it's not adding anything really new. With Sony's recent price announcement though, I have a feeling more people just might flock to the Sony machine despite all Nintendo's efforts. I could be wwrong. After all when you think of portible gaming you think Nintendo. I guess things will be interesting.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:33 pm
by BreakmanX
Oh, I loved the N64. Ocarina of Time, in my opinion, blows away Halo or any one of the new fangled games :)

Smash Bros and all the rest. I'm not saying I disliked the system, but it did start Nintendo's downfall in popularity. Mostly because of Sony's, and now Microsoft's, ability to tap the casual gamer.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:38 pm
I don't know. I think it made sense that Nintendo ditched the CD add on for the SNES. Although I think it would've been cool and I would've loved it, it probably would've sold pretty bad. Maybe not as bad as the Jaguar CD add on, but system add ons usually don't sell well. I haven't really read too much about how it all happened, but I don't think Nintendo realized that Sony was going come out with the Playstation after they ditched them. Maybe they were being cocky or whatever.

Do I think it was a mistake to go with cartridge format? Well, yes and no. Yes because they lost Square and alot of 3rd party support. Even if Capcom finally released games on the N64 it wasn't many. Something like 1 or 2, I don't know, but Playstation sure got a hell of alot more titles from them. So did Saturn. But really, that's the 3rd party's problem. Because great and incredible games were released on the system. Any of the previous mentioned titles are good examples. Was it Crash Bandicoot that revolutionized 3D console gaming? No, it was Mario 64.