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Americas Army

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Americas Army

Post by Jbrown »

Does anyone know anything about Americas Army? Im just wonderin if I should Dl it? Plz POST EVERYTHING u know!! THX
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Post by Yankee »

Americas Army is a pretty cool game, IF you're just playing on a local LAN with some of your friends and IF you're into military games being as absolutely realistic as possible (we're talking sitting in a classroom and watching a powerpoint presentation about tanks for 30 minutes and then taking a multiple choice test.... and yes this happens a lot in the game). The reason being for that is that its actually produced by the Army as a recruiting tool. The into Basic Training Course is long, arduous and boring. But then again, so basic training probably is too.

The game is made to be very realistic. There's no health bar or anything like that. You get shot in the face and you're a gonner. I did have a bit of fun just screwing around with the multiplayer features with my roomie on our LAN but other than that... I dunno.

Even though the game is free, and looks pretty good, don't be fooled. It's still just a recruitment tool for the U.S. Army and is pretty weak sauce as a game. Not much to it really. If you want some really great first person military action, pick up the Battlefield 1942 Anthology or Battlefield Vietnam. I've played almost every military based first person shooter out there and the Battlefield series is by far the best on the market.

Joint Ops and Soldner aren't even worth waiting for their demo download time... they're both horrible.
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The Bidnessman
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Post by Jbrown »

Well I play BF ALL the time I was just curious about it!! Someone else tell me more, thx yankee for your opinion!