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PS3 in 2003

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:50 pm
by Evilmagicpirate ... VqU29ueSB0

Bloomberg is usually a pretty reliable source, but I think this is just a rumor.. But the PS3 is set for a Japan release of mid-2003, and late-2003 for US release? Sounds a bit fishy to me.. According to Slashdot, Sony has already started to deny it.. But I know It'd make one hell of a Christmas present.. Even if they did have it complete, I can see them not releasing it for a while.. The PS2 is bringing in so much revenue already.. they would be smarter to milk that for as long a possible..

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:07 pm
by Juan The Pirate
I remember you bought a PS2 the second day they were released.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:19 pm
by Rufus
I thought he got it the first day it was out. I remember going to K-Mart to see him working and he had me go to Best buy to buy him a game. The people looked at me angerly since they thought I had one.

ps3 in 2003

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:54 pm
by 8-bit Hero
They would be retarded to launch a system that early
Sega tried that remember, and they could make games for it.
No one "supposedly" even knows how they will program games for ps3.
So why would they release it so soon?

The mass media screws up almost all and any videogame news they report. It is all suspect to me.


Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 11:56 am
by RurouniQ
Personally, I'm almost hoping that they do release it early, but not for the reasons you're probably thinking of. One, they've said that they're not quite sure how to program really well for it, and if they rush the release, then they'll really have their hands tied. Secondly, there's a law of video game hardware (we'll call it Sega's Law) that every time a new revolutionary of vg hardware comes out, it fails.
What's with all the PS2 bashing you say? Don't get me wrong, the PS2 has some great games and I generally like it, but their system is on top and they know it. They need to be taken down off their high-horse, at least for a little while, so they realize they can't keep releasing shitty hardware and get away with it because it has the Playstation logo on it.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:44 pm
by Juan The Pirate
Hmmm... I believe it was the second day because he got it from a new shipment that came in and he just jumped first in line. But anyway, I don't judge consoles until I see them in action. Who knows what Sony has planned for the PS3, but agreeingly, a 2003 release seems a little premature

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:26 pm
by Evilmagicpirate
It was the first day of US release that I grabbed my PS2.

Here is another link, that says the other link might be incorrect. Its reporting that the Next-Gen of consoles wont be out till around 2006. ... /index.htm
It says that the Sony/MS/Nintendo, will be shooting themselves in the foot if they release them any earlier, because sales of all systems are strong and market analysis predicts sales will remain strong.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 6:39 am
by Evilmagicpirate

We have a logo...
Apparently a real PS3 logo leaked out the other day.. There is yet to be any official word on it though, but interesting non-the-less.


Looks interesting, but a bit too busy for my liking.. Still, it might be a fake.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 8:07 am
by Jack Burton
It's not an official logo, it's from a European PS2 mag. I'll post the link to the thread on IGN here in just a sec as soon as I find it out.

Yes, the sony hype machine is in full swing, because they're worried....worried about MS.

-Jack we go...this was taken from the IGN boards:
oceanstar: THIS is not the final logo

It is a logo featured in PSM2 magazine in the UK where the editors where talking about the PS3 look but it is completely made up.