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Insurrection 1776

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:03 pm
by Realm
Yall might check out, it's a Battlefield Vietnam mod set in the Revolutionary War. They're going to try to balance realism with gameplay, and so far it looks pretty cool. Classes, weapons, and tactics are pretty cool, and they're definitely not just "changing a few skins and weapons." They're totally reorganizing the tactics and gameplay. It's very team-oriented, and squad tactics and strategy will be very important. Insurrection 1776 may just be the "big mod" for BFV; this generation's Desert Combat or Team Fortress. It's not done yet, but it might be something to keep an eye on.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:18 pm
by Yankee
Hmmm looks pretty cool. Have you noticed anything about any modern combat mods that are up and coming to rival DC?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:38 pm
by Realm
DC seems pretty content to stay with BF1942, and I haven't noticed anybody starting something equivalent on BFV. In fact, every mod I've seen has been a simple weapons tweak or a "game fix mod". (These were common before the 1.01 patch nerfed and reorganized the M60) It's funny, the feelings I get around forums are that hardcore Desert Combat players resent and dislike BFV. Often it's because those that mastered the DC helos find the BFV aircraft too easy, or catered too much toward newbies. People like myself that were really into BF1942, but only mildly into DC, love Vietnam, but the guys that were more into DC tend to still prefer it over BFV. Anyway, other than I-1776 I haven't noticed any major BFV mods in the works at all.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:26 am
by Yankee
Yeah I never really cared either way. I treated them basically as separate games. To be honest I don't think that the helicopters fly TOO differently. It just takes a minor correction in thinking to switch from one to the other.

Damn MMORPG's haven't allowed me to play BFV since probably April. I haven't even tried it with the new patch yet. Hahaha. :(