Ruby Weapon
Ruby Weapon
I got a strategy but I can't find Command Counter and Ribbon. Where are they?!
if you want a good strategy. do this.
W-Summon, Knights of the round+Mp Absorb, hades, mime.
Basicly, cast hades first, then KotR, then mime forever.
W-Summon, KotR+MpAbsorb, w-item
use "dazers"
Use Kotr twice, and mime as much as you want, appy dazers when necessary.
I beat Ruby weapon myself on level 63 by....using dazers and the ???? enemyskill.
Basicly i killed off two of my associates(barret and cid) before the battle, then waited for his tenticles to hit the sand, then used dazers to paralize ruby, then revived barret and cid who each had 9999 health becouse of HP+s. Cid and barret would just use ???? for some 8000 damage or so each turn, and cloud kept using dazers. I think it took 20 min to kill him or more.
W-Summon, Knights of the round+Mp Absorb, hades, mime.
Basicly, cast hades first, then KotR, then mime forever.
W-Summon, KotR+MpAbsorb, w-item
use "dazers"
Use Kotr twice, and mime as much as you want, appy dazers when necessary.
I beat Ruby weapon myself on level 63 by....using dazers and the ???? enemyskill.
Basicly i killed off two of my associates(barret and cid) before the battle, then waited for his tenticles to hit the sand, then used dazers to paralize ruby, then revived barret and cid who each had 9999 health becouse of HP+s. Cid and barret would just use ???? for some 8000 damage or so each turn, and cloud kept using dazers. I think it took 20 min to kill him or more.