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Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 12:37 pm
by Wrath
Well, I've been thinking of doing a topic about this for a little while, but Break's most recent update on the main page made me create this topic.

I have been having some rather interesting computing adventures myself lately.

A couple weeks ago, I discovered my fan on my laptop was going screwy. it works still, but if you leave the computer on for a while it sounds like the computer is diing. It's a really interesting sound. So I was going to wait till my trip home to replace it. Meanwhile my desktop's DVD drive has been going to shit for the past year but I keep telling it to hold on just a little more. I was secretly hoping to wait till I could get a duel format DVD burner for cheap, and now I can. And now I did.

However, on the way back home from my cousin's graduation last weekend, I decided to buy my DVD burner and finally put my old drive out of its misery. I got it home, put it in, and low and behold, my primary hard drive went to shit. I usually leave my desktop on, and I think it got really mad when it got turned off. My drive made a horrible noise and worked long enough to make me think the drive was working just fine. I reboot only to get locked out of Windows. Turns out, I can't even re-install Windows without getting blue screened right away.

So I'm now waiting for my nice 120 GB drive, and we'll try round two. I was also hoping to call Dell about my laptop to replace the fan, but now I can't till the desktop gets fixed, because it's my only means of staying online and getting things done. Plus I'd go insane with no computers.

Anyway that's my interesting story for the moment. There went June's game funds... Lots of games coming out too.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 8:11 pm
by Realm
What were the brands of your optical drive and hard drive?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 1:16 am
by Wrath
It was a Western Digital Hard drive. I can't remember the name of the DVD drive, but I've heard of it before. It actually works fine. We put it in another computer and it works. I think something more serious is messed up. Even after replacing everything, it still blue screens on the install. it will be interesting to figure out what's wrong with the beast.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 8:44 am
by Realm
Richie what are you thinking? Fux0r3d mobo?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 12:45 pm
by Richie
Yeah, I can't exactly without messing with it myself, but it kinda sounds like something on your motherboards chipset is fucked, maybe something to do with the IDE system.

If the computer is a Dell, I'd definatly give them a call. OEM proprietary drivers can fuck all sorts of shit up.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 1:58 pm
by Wrath
Yeah I'm almost lead to believe that something in my motherboard is fucked too or something. Here's a little more background for you. I just kind of ranted before. Thanks for the help too guys.

Anyway, the computer is a home built model from a couple of years ago. The Dell is my laptop which I'm using now.

The interesting thing is, after experimenting a while ago when I had my old drives in, I found that if I unhooked the power to the DVD drive, old or new, the computer would seem to work fine. I had to get a new HD anyway because my old one was sounding sick and would probably go any day anyway. At first I was thinking it was some conflict with IRQ's or something, but that shouldn't be the case. I never did anything to my old DVD drive and it still got mad.. I also double checked the jumpers for everything and they're all in order. I ven took the new DVD drive out and put it in my friend's computer. It works just fine.

My specs if you're curious.
AMD Thunderbird 1.4 GHZ
512 RAM
Geforce 3
SB Live Platinum
ATI TV Wonder (it's kind of a pile, gotta love ATI's support)
Western Digital 120 GB drive (new one)
Either Segate or Quantum 40 GB secondary drive
Pioneer DVD (old DVD drive)
Plexter CDRW
Buslink DVD +- RW drive (new one, price was right and I know others who have the drive with no problems.)

I know my rig is getting pretty old anyway, but I really don't have the cash to upgrade. That's where I am right now though. I'm kind of running low on ideas. Thanks again for the help.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 2:39 pm
by Richie
Wrath wrote:The interesting thing is, after experimenting a while ago when I had my old drives in, I found that if I unhooked the power to the DVD drive, old or new, the computer would seem to work fine. I had to get a new HD anyway because my old one was sounding sick and would probably go any day anyway. At first I was thinking it was some conflict with IRQ's or something, but that shouldn't be the case. I never did anything to my old DVD drive and it still got mad.. I also double checked the jumpers for everything and they're all in order. I ven took the new DVD drive out and put it in my friend's computer. It works just fine.
Hmmmm, interesting. I'm still making shots in the dark here, but I'd be suspicious of a faulty power supply, based on your observation about the DVD drive.

Here's a test: Disconnect the IDE cable going to the DVD drive, but hook up power. If it gives you problems, disconnect the power, and see what happens. It could be that the DVD drive is overloading the power supply.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 8:58 pm
by Realm
Ya you didn't mention PSU in your specs, what's the wattage and brand?

Also, updated drivers lately?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 9:12 pm
by Richie
Realm wrote:Also, updated drivers lately?
/slaps forehead

Why do I always forget that?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:43 am
by Wrath
Yeah, I tried those suggestions, and we got a little further, well in determining the problem. The power supply is definitely fucked big time. When trying some of this stuff, it started billowing out smoke. So I'm going to get a 400+ power supply.

And there's not much I can do with drivers yet because nothing's on the primary hard drive. My old hard drive that was going bad was the one with my OS. No big deal. I've installed Windows a bizillion times.

Well, I'll let you know when I make more progress. Thanks for the help. Gotta love computer hardware some days...

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 11:41 am
by Richie
Wrath wrote:When trying some of this stuff, it started billowing out smoke.
:shock: Wow, didn't see that coming.

Keep us posted.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:36 pm
by Realm
Always nice when troubleshooting just solves itself...

Lol, ya go with a good name-brand power unit, like a ThermalTake, PC Power and Cooling, or Antec. Your rig isn't really powerful enough to need a huge PSU, but 400 is perfect, as long as it's dependable and steady. Also with a good PSU, if/when you upgrade you'll know you have plenty of wattage headroom. If you're on a tight budget though, with your rig a name-brand 350 watter should be adequate.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:05 pm
by Wrath
Well, I'm in the process of getting a couple things checked out. One of my fans did stop working, so I'm getting another one of those, and I was going to get a 400 Watt PS but the 500 was $10 more so what the hell. I can put that in a new machine later if nothing else. I don't want to speak too soon, but things might be looking up. I'll reserve that for when I have Windows actually up and running though. As of now, I'm not upgrading either.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:51 pm
by Wrath
Finally a good news update. The beast is alive again. I'm using it right now. It turned out to bey my power supply and a couple fans. One was bad and one was making a little noise, so I just replaced that too. It's great to have a desktop again.