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Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:23 am
by Spitfrie867
This game is one of the most highly noted, and highly baught game in America. Next to the Final Fantisy Sage, this game is widely known. Now Halo 2 is comming out. Imagine Halo 1 but with better graphics, cars, guns, and smarter enimes. This game is not for the weak minded. It is a fun game, but the campaign mode is highly intense.Bullets flying everyware, people dying, it's so crazy. This game is what brought X-Box from out of it's slup, back in the day. It was not doing well, the only good game it had was Dead or Alive 3. but when Halo came out it all changed. This game has sold over 3 million copies all around the world. It is an honorable game

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:51 am
by Realm
Oh for the love of Batjew. Dude, lurk a little in the Xbox forum please. We've only got 123521 other threads about Halo. (well, 123522 now) And shit man, post in the appropriate forum.
highly baught
Hah, I love it. Learn a little English dude.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:08 pm
by RurouniQ
Um, spitfrie or spitfire or whatever... what's your point, anyway? Do you have one? Or are you just talking to hear yourself talk?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:22 pm
by Mothergoat
Hello! Welcome to 2001!!!


Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:24 pm
by Reaper
Ok so sorry. Im new at this site and i still dont know what the helll I am doing. Sorry if i ofended anyone and blah blah blah, everyone knows how the apology goes. I will redirect my halo thing somewhere else on this site. just give me some time