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Matrix Revolutions

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Post by RurouniQ »

The dialogue mostly consisted of one or two word lines, most of which were Neo asking "Why?" That and aside from a good "what the shit", it seems like the only cuss words the people in the movie know is goddammit. Every other word was goddammit. I felt like the dialogue was very sparse, unemotional, and unrealistic.
That being said, as I said before, it was a really damn good movie. I really enjoyed it. The anime-ness of it was completely awesome (I'd go into detail but I don't wanna spoil). I liked the plot and the non-Hollywood ending. I mean, there wasn't much plot to expect, since there was so little left to happen. Didn't bother me in the least.
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Post by BreakmanX »

First of all it was a typical hollywood ending, with the fade into sunset and everything. That is almost the pure definition of it.

The world that the people lived in was sparse, unemotional, and unrealistic so the dialogue reflects this world. Besides a good movie lets the action on screen do the talking, and the dialogue just fills in the gaps. A good director can make you see something without having to spell it out for you. If Neo was a fucking chatterbox, he would lose about 200,000 cool points. Different characters spoke differently, and gave them pretty unique personalities. I think it was well done.
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Post by AIDS »

I know these are totally different types of movies, but I liked Kill Bill better. Anyways, I really doubt that the actors acted bad because they were getting into character. Well, I'm just going to forget about Revolutions for now and look forward to Return of the King. I'm also looking forward to Episode 3, but that one doesn't come out for a while. By the way, did anyone get the chance to catch Elf?
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Post by The Siege »

The movie sucked, but it was not as bad as Kill Bill. The thing that made it not suck, though, was that I read the whole plot before I saw it, so I wasn't dissapointed =D.

This is what the movie is: big giant robots fight giant swarm of sentinels who don't really bother to go killing things so much as fly around and look cool. Then Neo fights Smith and they die. The end, leave room for new video game.
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Post by AIDS »

I didn't think it necessarily sucked. I just think that it's not nearly as incredible as most people here are saying it is. But that's just my own opinion. I know there's alot of movies that I absolutely love, that other people think are mediocore. This is one of those cases, except that I'm the one who thinks that the movie is mediocre. It's a matter of opinion. There is no right or wrong.
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Post by RurouniQ »

Siegey, Siegey, Siegey... Once again you throw common sense to the wind and start raving like a lunatic.
One, you put Matrix spoilers in your post. Bad Siegey.
Two, you have the BAWLS to say Kill Bill SUCKED?? That in and of itself is enough to warrant at least 3 members of these forums (that I know of) to feel inclined to road trip over to STL to beat your scrawny ass until you're pooping from your nose.

Oh, and Break, if it was such an unemotional world, why did Morpheus and Kid and about every ranking member of the military have lengthful, meaningful dialogue? Well, aside from the numerous goddammits. And I don't believe it was a Hollywood ending; the typical Hollywood ending doesn't have the heroes dying. Of course, there are exceptions to that, of course, but I'm talking about the stereotypical Hollywood happy ending where Neo and Trinity ride back to Zion with no debilitating injuries and the camera zooms away from the cockpit of the hovership with them kissing.
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Post by AIDS »

Dude, you're telling The Siege not to put spoilers in his post, but you put spoilers in your post. Watch out man, maybe it's about time someone made a Matrix Revolutions thread with spoilers. Also, I've found Kill Bill to be a hit or miss with people. I've only seen people who hated it, ot abosolutely loved it, nothing in between.
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Post by RurouniQ »

Siege already ruined it, I didn't think it mattered any more by that point.
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Post by BreakmanX »

Kill Bill rocked, anyone who knows anything about film can tell you that. :D

And as for the Hollywood ending, it started out as not being one, but they kind of squeezed a bit of Hollywoodness in at the end. The sterotypical sunset, and everything. Not a full blown Hollywood ending, but definately a bit of influence.

I was talking more about Neo and Trinity, who had an unspoken connection. Neo didn't say much, and I'm glad he didn't. I think that Keanu gets a worse reputation than he deserves. People forget that there is so much more to acting than speaking.
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Post by AIDS »

I just didn't feel the same connection to the movie as I did with the original and even Reloaded. When people died, I wasn't shocked or sad. During some of the fight scenes, I wasn't wowed or amazed. You know the saying that you can never have too much of a good thing? I think it was wrong. I guess watching Revoltuions was too much Matrix for me. Too much bullet time, too much Neo and company, too many Agent Smiths, too much rain, too much exageration, too much Wachowskiness and too many guys in robot suits. I just couldn't take it all. I did not feel the "unspoken" connection between Neo and Trinity. Well, I give up. I'm just going to wait till they all come out on DVD in a boxed set. And then when I watch them altogether, maybe I can appreciate Revolutions more.
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Post by The Siege »

I like it how Matrix Revolutions doesn't answer any of the glaring questions brought up in Matrix Reloaded. And I like it how Reloaded and Revolutions take everything the original Matrix was about and throw it out the fucking window. The giant robots were cool, and the final fight was so DBZ it was funny.

And Kill Bill.... well there's nothing there really. It's a movie about nothing. Some of the fighting was cool, not cool enough to make up for the rest of the movie though. The characters were just so goddamn unconvincing, I didn't give a shit whether they died or not. If Uma Thurman would died at the end (and yeah, giving your main character a fucking name really helps when you're making a good movie), I wouldn't have cared, she's just the same as every other sword wielding moron in that building. "Oh no, the Yakuza lady stood around and threw in the occasional punch when they were beating the shit out of Uma Thurmann, how evil! I really want her to die now!!" Kill Bill = splatterfest, nothing more.
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Post by AIDS »

Well, looks like my boxed set will come out sooner than I thought. ... 822p1.html
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Post by Realm »

ah well, it's good news to me. i ain't complaining.
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