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Simple, AMD or Intel

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AMD64 or Intel Pentium 4

Pentium 4
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Post by Realm »

BreakmanX wrote:Only thing I worry about 2k is its driver issues. The thing runs like a tank a lot of the time, but it detests certain hardware configurations. No harm in trying it though, and you'll most likely be successful. I had one of those unlucky configurations back in the day... Also, XP runs games a bit better.
True. And remember if you do decide to upgrade to XP a few months from now, you'll have to back up your stuff, install a the new OS, and reinstall all your programs again. Which is a pain. Up to you really.

HL2 is one of the best games I've ever played. (just had to throw that in there)
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Post by Richie »

Yeah, I'm with Break on this one: I'm not sure how 2000 will treat newer hardware, like the stuff on your list. My Home edition of XP with SP2 is fucking bulletproof: I can't remember the last time I had a crash, or a driver problem for that matter.

But hell, it's certainly worth the try. If everything works fine, stay with it. If not, buy XP and don't worry about it.
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Post by Realm »

Yeah, I'm going to change my story too. Go for XP.

Regardless, I'm jealous. Does anyone on these threads have hardware that competes with this list?
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Post by Richie »

Aw hell no, I've got nothing on that hardware list. Shit, I thought I was kickin' ass when I got my 6600GT video card...shows how poor I am.
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Post by Jbrown »

Well after I get the computer built Im then saving up for a LCD monitor then XP

Anyone play WOW here?

And Richie how well does your 6600GT run BF2 and HL2? Thats the card Im planning on ordering. I guess Ill have newer processor and Ram
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Post by Richie »

HL2 runs pretty well, no frame rate hickups, smooth textures. But BF2 is a different story: Can't run with AA, resolution has to be kept low. It seems to me that HL2 is much more CPU dependant, while BF2 is more video card dependant, hence the performance difference.

But, seeing that you'll be getting an AMD 64, I think you'll be fine in both cases.
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Post by Jbrown »

Ive decided to go to change the video card, still the 6600GT but the gigabyte version instead of the one I had. I might save up for another weekso i can buy either a SATA 7,200RPM 250gig or a 10,000 RPM Raptor HD.

Does Win 2K support SATA?
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Post by Richie »

Jbrown wrote:I might save up for another weekso i can buy either a SATA 7,200RPM 250gig or a 10,000 RPM Raptor HD.
=P~ Having a Raptor would be the hotness: Put Windows and current games on there, and the rest of your shit on the normal ATA drive. I say save up for two weeks, get a pair, and RAID them. :shock:

Does 2000 support SATA? Not a fucking clue...
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Post by Jbrown »

how does one do raid0? with 2 raptors how do i raid them? is it hard?
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Post by Richie »

Actually, I've never done it. :oops: But from what I've read in my motherboards manual, and what I've seen on the Windows installer, it's all taken care of during initial formatting of the drives.

You don't really have to do this, obviously. I just know that two Raptors in RAID would be really, really sexy.
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Post by Jbrown »

yeah I remeber raid from one of my comp. classes RAID 0 is wheer it sepeartes the info on both drives, RAID 1 is wheer it makes double copie so u always have back up. I highly doubt ill get 2 raptors b/c they are liek $100 each just for 36 gigs and 180 for 75 gigs but I dunno, maybe on down the road Ill get some. Im just worried right now if i should get SATA HDs before I buy WIndows XP, but I think it should work. The longer I wait the more money ill have saved, I just wanna get it soon though. I guess thats why patience is a virtue. I save about $200 a week so If i Save for 1 month that is $800 so on..etc Ive got the basics i need in shopping cart at $530 but..I think the only monitor I have right now goes up to 800x600 so I need a better monitor fo sure. I have a 60 gig HD, so I dont need to buy that 150gig. Im not really interested in downloading movies etc sop i dont need alot of space. I dnt have Internet at home right now at all so ill guess ill need to be getting that soon.
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Post by Realm »

Jbrown wrote:I dnt have Internet at home right now at all so ill guess ill need to be getting that soon.
One thing to warn you about, Half-Life 2 requires an internet connection to even install the damn game. (verification/anti-theft stuff) It's really fucking gay if you ask me, but just so you know. What you can do is take your computer and HL2 if you buy it to a friend's who has internet and install the game there.

RAID's sexy, but you don't need it. If you're going for value, I'd say buy XP and a good solid SATA 7200 rpm drive. I'd go with Maxtor, Hitachi, or Seagate. While Western Digital has a good reputation, I've been hearing a lot of stories of bad WD drives. (though I'm sure the Raptor's fine, since it's their flagship drive)

If you're making 200 a week then just buy XP off the bat, I thought earlier that you were pretty much at a $600 limit.

And yeah, getting a good moniter is a good idea. You can have the best hardware in the world and not enjoy it if your moniter sucks. Whether you go with a flat-screen or a good tube though is up to you, they both can be awesome or sucky, just depends what you get. Read reviews, again I'd reccommend Tom's Hardware.
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Post by Jbrown »

Wow ty for info I didnt know about inetr for HL2, well i make about 150 a week and what ever I save my moms gonna match me so around 200 a week.
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Post by Jbrown »

OK everyone I think I have finally picked out a MOBO. This one is one of the top-of-the-line ASUS boards out there. ... 6813131517

But this DFI one looks great also :cry: ... 6813136151
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Post by Richie »

If you can afford the extra cost, I'd say go DFI. I'm much more attracted to its packaging, like the 5.25 in. expansion bay (which I have, and kicks ass), the wrapped cables and such. The specs are all there, and the board itself is sexy.

I'm running an earlier version of that same board, and I've never heard a single hickup from it. But, it is about $15 more, which is $15 that could be going towards a hard's up to you.