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OMG! PS3 First Images!!

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OMG! PS3 First Images!!

Post by Evilmagicpirate »

OMG! The machine looks fkn Awesome!! Just as I imagined it would look.
Image Here:

Plus the site has a fairly good interview with the people from Sony:
TheModShop: I've noticed there are a few thrillingly exotic looking integrated modules on this machine that I've never seen on any console before. What is this first one on the left here labelled "internet?"

Sony: Whaa? Are you a stupid man? It isa internet in the port!

TheModShop: So you mean, you can plug a phone line into it, and play multi-player games online, like with the Dreamcast?

Sony: Dreamcast? Ha ha, funny stupid Ozi! You dishonor me with your mention of this Dreamcast. The Praystation 3 does not connect to internet, Praystation 3 CONTAIN the internet. You prugga in the computer to the port, the internet isa all there. We copy it inside machine for fast access.

TheModShop: Wait, so you're saying that you copied every single file on the internet into this box? That doesn't even make any sense! The internet is a constantly changing network of millions of individual machines. How does the PS3 update its so called "internet" if it has no connections to the real network?

Sony: Thasa right. No connections. Praystation 3 get internet from outerspace.

TheModShop: And its power?

Sony: It run on love.
Last edited by Evilmagicpirate on Sat Apr 12, 2003 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Richie »

lol. They managed to make the most God awful looking console, and the STILL don't know how to program for it. Oh well.
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Post by kitsune »

Sweet! Powered on love! With my super strong number one love for playstation 3 we will control the world. The deck on the controll will be our navy and we will crush all people!
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Post by AIDS »

Check this stuff out...


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Post by kitsune »

holy crap!! That controller is like pure evil. What the hell are all the stupid analog sticks for! I DON'T HAVE 4 THUMBS! god help us all!!
i've been rapping for about seventeen years, okay. i don't write my stuff anymore, i just kick it from my head, you know what i'm saying, i can do that. no disrespect, but thats how i am.
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Post by AIDS »

Ya, all that stuff us just conceptual stuff. I think the picture on the top is a pretty good design though. Is it just me or is the PS2 one of the ugliest looking video game systems ever made?
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Post by Juan The Pirate »

Negative, I believe that honor goes to the N64.
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Post by Realm »

N64 was cool looking, Dreamcast was the worst. by far. looked like a mini-ps1, and that's not a compliment.
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Post by jonypawks »

i like the ps2 look, although i don't like that ps3 conceptual image, it's too rounded i think. i really liked the two rectangle design of the ps2.
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Post by Zephie-chan »

The controller isn't too bad, but then again, it's starting to look more and more like the XBox controller the longer I do look at it. The shape of the PS3, I agree, that it's for me a little too rounded but then again I probably won't care once I have it in my greedy little hands, hehe. As said above, I think the controller is going to be a problem though but the fact that they moved the L2 and R2 buttons to the side is both a good and bad thing for the PS3.

When reaching over to hit R2, it might hit R1 and ditto for the L2 and L1. I have no idea how I'm going to use a D-Pad and four Analog Sticks at the same time... and the infinity symbol just sucks! I mean, it looks lame to me.
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Post by kitsune »

the dreamcast is in no way ugly...Its so tiny and cute. The worst looking system is the xbox! Good lord why didn't anyway say this sooner? Its butt ugly!
i've been rapping for about seventeen years, okay. i don't write my stuff anymore, i just kick it from my head, you know what i'm saying, i can do that. no disrespect, but thats how i am.
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Post by Zephie-chan »

<Kamui switches to chinese impressions>

Hmm, yes. The mighty kitsune has a very, very valid point. Hmm, yes. Though looking at it from a higher, more enlightened point of view the XBox does have a unique, if not special design... yes. Hmm. Yes...

And, yes, hmm, yes. The other valid point within the spectrum of our analysis' is that the Dreamcast was so tiny, that is was so cute. Yes. Just like my lizard. Tiny, and cute. And he couldn't hurt a fly! But the Dreamcast can hurt lots of aliens, yes. Hmm. Yes.
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rounded corners = futuristic

Post by 8-bit Hero »

Since when did rounded corners become the norm for futuristic.. Is there a reason for the PS3 to be aero-dynamic? Just makes me think they want me to throw it.

I like the design of the gamecube..
At first I hated it now..its my fav.
Go figure.

Dreamcast isn't too bad itself.
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Post by kitsune »

now that i think about it more and more i really like the placement of the ps2 L and R buttons. The fact they put one beind the other is good because you can grasp the controller and use your ring and middle fingers for them. With the ps3 you can't do that. Its going to be harder to use those buttons.
i've been rapping for about seventeen years, okay. i don't write my stuff anymore, i just kick it from my head, you know what i'm saying, i can do that. no disrespect, but thats how i am.
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Post by jonypawks »

I agree with kitsune. I've always liked the psx/ps2 controllers. i thought the psx were much easier to use than the n64's an I think the ps2's is better than the gamecube and xbox. I think sony created a good design and i hope they stick with it for a long time.