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MK:D - anyone excited at all?

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MK:D - anyone excited at all?

Post by zynthetic »

First off, I'm rather new to the board, so forgive me if this has been a topic posted several hundred thousand times. I try to stick to decent manners when possible.

I've been a rather large fan of the Mortal Kombat series for a few years now, ever since the original Arcade game. Over the years, the development was rather remarkable, as far as graphics, and packing content. Granted the majority of the content is exceptionally cheesey, however it'll always hold a place in my brain for entertainment

Even though Mortal Kombat: Deadly Aliance was a major revamp over the game play / concept (with fighting styles, game content, etc.), I still feel it removed some of the necessary components out of the series.

What are your impressions of Deception, and is anyone excited about this? Or should I quietly keep this one to myself, heh
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Post by Mothergoat »

I personally think Midway deliberately left out critical elements in Deadly Alliance because they new the new fighting system would be enough to justify the experience. They were right. DA was pretty rad.

Deception will be cool...but it won't revolutionize anything. In fact, Midway will probably approach level fatalities and smoother control like they're new concepts. This will trick most people.

But marketing shmarketing...I think Deception is going to be what Deadly Alliance should've been...even though DA was a pretty cool game.
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Post by zynthetic »

Sounds realistic. Why give it all up at once? Midway isn't "that kind of girl".

Although, they seem to be running out of cash, so maybe they'll turn a bit slutty for this one, heh

One can only hope.
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Post by RurouniQ »

What you talkin bout, Midway's always been a bunch of marketing whores. Let's not forget the bleeding billboard.
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Post by Jack Burton »

Yes, I agree...I think they held some stuff out of DA...

However, this one will have online play, level fatalies, and much more, so it better be fucking awesome.

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Post by Cable »

I want another marvel vs capcom:(
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Post by zynthetic »

I'll always be a fan of the series, that's for sure. Something about the ability to rip your opponent's head off that apeals to me after a galactic battle of nil-importance, heh.

This whole concept of "stage traps" sort of bothers me though. If they're able to be used during the match, albeit cool, something tells me they're going to be abused. Same with the hari-kari moves. Hopefully they'll put some sort of balance in the game that allows them to be less show stopping. Nothing beats a 99 second fight to the death, that actually takes 99 seconds, heh.

It's been a while since I've been into the street fighters, and it'll just take a lot to get me back into it. After being schooled from the same arcade go'ers for years, and being killed by RYU so many damn times, the game sort of loses it's luster, heh. MK was the only arcade game with extreme violence that I exceled at, which still makes me grin, heh