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Tell your Friends about these Forums.

Post by Evilmagicpirate »

Tell your Friends about these Forums, or atleast post more often.. Ive seen graveyards more lively than this..
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Post by BreakmanX »

hehe. Yes, go and tell your friends, and make sure they tell their friends as well!

But, for how long we've been up, we're doing pretty damn well. I was amazed as to how many people have posted so far.
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Post by kitsune »

Friends? The only friends I have are video games :cry: . Well not really, I'll be sure to tell some friends. Yet, I don't know how many people are going to be posting...most of my friends are busy/lazy.

Oh well! I'll just have to make them. :twisted:
i've been rapping for about seventeen years, okay. i don't write my stuff anymore, i just kick it from my head, you know what i'm saying, i can do that. no disrespect, but thats how i am.