I saw it this weekend. Very "epic". I wasn't too thrilled about our friend Tommy... but... I will give it this. It is one hell of a sit and have your ass entertained off popcorn type of movie. Fighting was intense. Everyone but Tom's acting was top notch. I would suggest seeing it. Mos' Def' as they say.
Oh. My. God. This movie was INCREDIBLE. Katsumoto definitely had the best performance, but overall, everything was top-notch. One of the best parts of the movie, was how preachy it WASN'T. I was expecting Tom Cruise to bust out lamenting over the massacre at any moment, it never happened. The movie didn't need to tell you those kinds of thing because they were woven so well into the filmwork. Excellent movie.
EDIT: What the hell does that sig mean? o.O It's hurting my brain...
It's nice because there were no idiot explanations, which I appreciated, because everything was so well - written into the movie, as someone else commented.
And which sig you talking about?
Everything I learned came from reading banned books.
I guess i will have to see Last Samurai sometime this week before X-mas, got to play my new games and stuff.
-Wiley Coyote, Super Genius..
Gamertag: Deadmanz clone(xbox) on CS,PGR2
"Don't think, feel. It's like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all the heavenly glory." - Bruce Lee
yeah I thought the movie was going to totally whomp when I first saw the trailers for it. But then some of the other trailers came out which looked cool and then I saw it... Indeed, there is some hope left for movies.
Everything I learned came from reading banned books.